Unfortunately, the bill never made it past the plan stage due to political differences that government subsidized daycare’s will affect social and economic changes. Even if the politicians we now have in office were to implement this plan but better it; it still doesn’t solve the issue of the gender pay gap. Different Approach to Day Care If we take a look at other countries, we see that there is a gender pay gap that women still have regardless of location. Some of these countries have programs that help benefit women in a way. France; Austria; and Germany are a few places that put value in care giving. European countries believe time spent out of the workforce to care for children and other family members significantly impacts women’s earnings and retirement security. Some European countries have found ways to value the “time parents spend caring for their families and recognize the role parents play in developing human capital and shaping the future workforce. For example, they give cred to women (or men) for time spent out of the workforce to care for children or other relatives (Joint Economic Committee)”. By doing this the economics committee believes the cost women spend on care giving will be reduced particularly in retirement. If the U.S. government was to implement this as a law it would be beneficially to working women and their families. The Government’s Involvement The government regulates the gender pay gap with the following laws: The Equal Pay Act of 1963;…
More recently, leadership, as evaluated by the workforce, has been an issue of concern throughout the federal workforce, but particularly in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 2012a). In evaluating the 2012 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), the Partnership for Public Services noted that although for several years federal employees had not provided high remarks for their leaders, scores on leadership dropped remarkably for the first time…
easiest way of spending less money for the same effect. According to American Society of Civil Engineers“the nation's overall infrastructure a grade of D+”(https://www.infrastructurereportcard.org/). This shows that not only the F-35 is too expensive, but we have readily available money invested in this project that we can put to good use. Although many conflicts may arise if this plane is decommissioned, it should be for the good of the nation. A substantial of the military community objects…
This organization believes that the penny should be kept because of its “high public acceptance and historical significance.” One piece of evidence they use to back up their claim states that “74 percent of Americans support keeping the penny in circulation.” This statement suggests that the majority of Americans are in favor of keeping the penny as the smallest form of currency but it fails to demonstrate any real change as far as circulation goes. I agree that what the penny represents is of…
you will limit the mistakes of false statement, documents, and lose of relationships. It’s important to know what to share and who to share it with will make the difference for your privacy protection. The patients have a responsibility to feel assured about their confidential information being protected and when it isn’t they share concerns about what will be devolved from their medical records if stolen. In the event, of a medical record being compromised, there is an absorbent amount of…
remove the post after the school district found out about it and requested that it be removed. It’s not just jobs that people are losing over their online activities. According to Andrews, “LexisNexis has a product called Accurint for Law Enforcement, which gives government agents information about what people do on social networks” (552). That means someone can be convicted of a crime or lose a child custody case due to online information that they thought was…
eye fixation duration upon paragraphs they will have them to read. The participants read nine pages of texts from three different devices: paper, a tablet computer (iPad 2), and e-reader (Kindle). The group of German researchers finds, “for young adults, neither fixation durations nor EEG theta band activity differed between the three media type” (2). Their result shows that the reading speed and comprehension between digital and physical text are the same. Reading e-books will not disturb…
warrants. They are sometimes seen as your chief and commander in the courtroom. They have the decision to sentence you which could end your ability to live the American dream. How we select these individuals to become a judge, comes with a huge debate. I believe that when selecting a judge we should analyze how each individual achieves the best balance of accountability and judicial independence. When talking about the issue of whether we should elect or appoint a judge, I believe that we…
Today was a slow day, but very education. I am finding that out that my time at CTLC is better spent watching than actually doing things. When I walked into the double door facility I seen the usual faces, and I greeted them as I made my way back to my little small cubical office. When I arrived at my office about two minutes after greeting several people, I noticed a small green sticky note that was on my desk from the day prior. The note was to remind me about the Homeless Alliance meeting at…
The Office is a television show that aired in 2005 and went off aired in 2013. The show was filmed as a documentary that looks into the inside of a small paper company Dunder-Mifflin in Pennsylvania. Being filmed as a documentary the show was able to capture everyday interactions in a work place. The Office was remarkable in capturing conflict throughout the nine seasons. Conflict is defined as when two or more people come into a collision or disagreement. From the show the audience…