and I were only planning to stay there long enough to refuel the plane and eat lunch. In the mid-1800’s, a large group of German immigrants transformed Mazatlan from a small fishing village into a thriving seaport. Their legacy lives on in the form of local melodies based on Bavarian folk music, called Banda. Another vestige of the past remains: The Pacifico Brewery established in 1900. Unfortunately, Miguel and I weren’t there long enough to sample the music or the beer. However, it turned out we were in Mazatlan long enough to establish Millennium Airlines before moving on to Puerto Vallarta. We were flying a Cessna 172, a four seat, single engine plane with a high, fixed wing. Back in 1955, Cessna Aircraft Company started making 172’s and more of them have been built than any other aircraft. Based on how long it has been around and its popularity, the Cessna 172 ranks as the most successful aircraft in history. Miguel’s 172 was a year 2000 model which meant it was a special edition called the Millennium 172. As such, it included upgrades and modifications; several of them, such as extra fresh air vents and redesigned seats, later became standard equipment. It also had a commemorative bronze medallion on the outside which included a stylized version of the word Millennium. When the fueler in Mazatlan observed the medallion on the plane, he asked if we were pilots for Millennium Airlines. As we were flying a rather diminutive plane, we found that rather funny. It…
until 16 years after the plane crash that then University President Warren Armstrong cut the program due to financial reasons. To this day many people argue and debate whether Wichita State should reinstate the football program and it is my belief that they should. Since the ending of the program there have been multiple instances of outside and inside sources contemplating bringing the program back. For example, in 1998 an advisory committee at Wichita State recommended reinstating the…
If a person wants to fly, whether it is a little Cessna 150, or a massive Airbus A380, you will have to obtain a medical certificate. In order for a person to be eligible for flight, they must meet several very strict health standards. Both mentally and physically, a person must be sharp, ready, and alert at all times. A person’s vision must be near perfect, with or without any form of correction. Heart health is also a big concern, as is mental health. There are three medical certificate…
The T-41 (i.e., the military version of the Cessna 172) had a "simple mechanical" flight control system using direct mechanical linkages. Direct feedback of forces acting on the control surfaces to the control stick (or yoke) provided a natural feel. The feedback was by the "seat of the pants". The trim system was a mechanical linkage connected directly to a trim control wheel in the cockpit. There is no warning in the T-41 if the trim was set incorrectly. It is the pilot’s responsibility…