How I Know I Matter To My Friends Over the years I have become really good friends with a lot of people. However, I have two friends that absolutely mean the world to me and they will tell you the same thing. These two guys are named Jacob Bullock, and Will McCoy. They both went to a rival school “West Jones” while I went to Laurel High. Will and I met each other as soon as we started kindergarten. We both went to Saint Johns for elementary school. After 6th grade we were separated but stayed really close. Will played baseball at West Jones and that’s how I met Jacob, he was also a baseball player. It turned out Jacobs grandfather and my grandfather were best friends and our dads where also best friends. We really just clicked and have been really good friends since then. So me and Will have been lifelong friends and me and Jacob have been friends for about three years. Now Will is about 6’7’’ he’s a massive person. He has short dark brown hair. My buddy Jacob is about 5’11’’, he has a quarter sleeve of a tribal tattoo on his right arm. He has very blonde hair it’s kind of cut like mine right now. Me and Will have basically been friends forever but we weren’t always close. It was in the 3rd grade that we had become really cool. So we were playing basketball at our elementary school (saint johns day school) and a kid who was playing with us kept messing with Will. Will never retaliated he just took it, that’s not how I play. I walked up to the kid at the time and shoved…
Open my eyes, I don’t remember how many times I open my eyes, this time my soul seems get into the body of a black adult, who is around twenty six years old. This is beautiful Sunday, and I am walking to the café after work. While I walks through the corner, accidently knocks down a female. Follow my eyesight, I see a pretty girl, which really makes the heart is beating strongly. I immediately help her up. As the apology, I invite her to have dinner with me, and we have a nice dinner together,…
Nobody Understands: Styles of Apess and Bradstreet Looking at self in the mirror is harder than meets the eye. Having to look at flaws, regrets, and disappointments that occurred in one’s life can be devastating. It is easier to judge someone else’s life and telling them, then looking at self. By facing self and dealing with all the flaws one becomes “healed” or at least the process has begun. Apess, an Indian looked at as an outcast and constantly judge by their way of living. Bradstreet, a…
She was one of the girliest girls I knew since grade school, with her stylish culottes and pink garments of all different shades for all different occasions. She was the epitome of a mixture between pure innocence and quirk that boldly took her rightful place in the middle of my heart. Mary Anne wasn’t just all of that; she was also my affectionate girlfriend, my warm-hearted best friend who I could talk about anything with, from the most trivial things to the very meaning of our whole…
morally superior over others due to her strong southern upbringing. In her eyes, that gives her permission to pass judgment onto others. She is a woman, who believes in God, but she is really very shallow, “The grandmother said she would have done well to marry Mr. Teagarden because he was a gentleman and had bought Coca-Cola stock when it first came out and that he had died only a few years ago, a very wealthy man” (O’Connor 378). This statement points out one of the grandmother 's most…
significant people we meet. However, being alive could be overrated in the case of having a life with terrible quality. It 's unfair to only be alive, I want to live! People have the choice to prevent having a life with a terrible quality. We come to a point of wondering if it 's worth living a long dreadful life or a life that is enjoyable, such as Brittany Maynard did. Hamlet, from Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet”, and Brittany Maynard, a woman who was terminally ill, both contemplated their…
In each of his poems, Sherman Alexie discusses the topics of transgressing boundaries and finding redemption. However, not all of his poems discuss the topics the same way. In the poems "How to Write the Great American Indian Novel," "Crow Testament," and "On the Amtrak from Boston to New York City," redemption may be difficult, but it is possible. In the poem "Evolution" redemption is not possible because of the way white people have treated Indians throughout the years. The poem "How to…
Living in America, life should be richer, and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement, regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. Everyone around the world conflicts with their differences and in America, not everyone agrees. Some have stronger beliefs than others and sometimes we meet in the middle. Living in America we have created a diverse society by expressing true opinions and understanding the value our country has to offer. Everyone…
Onyx - The Tribe leader who must possess the power of prophecy. The Onyx cannot speak to clan cats, the Lapis must speak for him/her. Lapis - The speaker for the Onyx and Zircon. Must posses the empathy power. Zircon - Four of the most sk!lled cats in the tribe. They act as deputies over the tribe. Zircon cannot speak to clan cats directly. Quartz - A term for the warriors of the tribe. Agate - The healer of the Tribe, does not require any specific power. Uses minerals and spiritual healing…
In the United States, there are approximately 74-96 million owned cats in comparison to the 70-80 million owned dogs. Meaning that you are more likely to own a cat. I never understood this as a dog lover, because cats seem to just be a “lazy person’s dog.” Cats seem to lack all the good qualities of a dog such as: loyalty, obedience, playfulness, and so forth. Those that I know that own cats just seem to like them because they are easier to take care of, and that they require less attention than…