Tami Heletz Mrs. Simon English 7H 6 March 2017 The Arctic Ocean A landscape of bright and shiny ice lies ahead, getting closer every moment. Life by the millions thrives under your ship. Welcome to the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic Ocean is located in the Northern Hemisphere. polardicovery.whoi.edu says, "Greenland, Spitzpergen, Alaska, Canada, Norway, and Russia surround it. It used to be called the Frozen Ocean." The Arctic Ocean, over 5,400,000 miles in area, is a very important habitat. It has lots of animal and plant life, but people have made some negative impacts on the area. Luckily, there are solutions in place and conservations to preserve this magnificent creation. The Arctic is a beautiful place, and also very important to us. The…
The Arctic. The last available source of untapped wealth in the form of natural resources Earth has to offer, and every country who can lay claim to it will try. The diminishing ice surrounding the North Pole means that it is now open to exploration and geological mapping to countries with an Arctic border, such as Canada, Denmark, Russia, Norway, and the United States. Every one of these countries are beginning to establish a presence in the Arctic (Smith, 2010, p. 651-652) due to the U.S.…
Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has been decreasing since at least the late 1970s. The atmospheric circulation of the Northern Hemisphere can respond strongly to changes in sea ice, leading to "changes in hemispheric wind patterns and the distribution of tropospheric temperatures and sea level pressures". This review analyzes several recent publications in order to summarize the known "physical processes that contribute to sea ice-atmosphere linkage", observational evidence that such linkage has…
It uses the traditional package of small glass bottle in the size of 248 ml, selling at Rmb2.5 per bottle. Due to the transportation constraints ,products in glass bottles can only be sold at on-street grocery stores and eateries. In order to expand its sales channels effectively, Arctic Ocean soda has introduced canned packaging to be mainly sold at supermarkets. Among a multitude of beverages, canned Arctic Ocean soda publicized for its ""taste of our childhood" is popular among consumers.…
CLAIM: The Arctic region’s history does not make the front page of news articles or magazines very often. Therefore, many people are not aware of how this once glorious region has a devastating history, especially in the past century. To compare the Arctic’s history from its last, scientists measure the sea ice covering peak around the time of late-March, as well as the nadir in the ice coverage around mid-September. EVIDENCE: in 2018, the final recording of the Arctic ice coverage was “5.59…
Polar Bears vs. Oil Drilling According to National Geographic in 2008, “The Endangered Species Act" has listed polar bears as threatened everywhere in the world they occur. Polar bears can only survive in areas where the oceans freeze" (National Geographic 2008). This decrease in population is a result of oil drilling in the arctic. The negative effects of oil drilling have spread to habitat loss, consumption of health declining chemicals, and impacts on polar bear family life/ birth rates.…
Iceland, an island about the size of Kentucky, lies in the North Atlantic Ocean east of Greenland and just touches the Arctic Circle. It is one of the most volcanic regions in the world. More than 13% is covered by snowfields and glaciers, and most of the people live in the 7% of the island that is made up of fertile coastland. The Gulf Stream keeps Iceland's climate milder than one would expect from an island near the Arctic Circle. Official language of Iceland is Icelandic 93.2 %. The outside…
The Arctic Pochee is a close relative of a cheetah and a polar bear. The Arctic Pochee has many of the cheetahs traits and many of the polar bears traits. The Arctic Pochee lives in a rocky environment with harsh cold weather, lots of precipitation, wind, and small mountains. There is very little vegetation there but there some grasses, trees, and shrubs. The Arctic Pochee eats water animals like fish and sea urchins. There are many lakes and there is an ocean nearby, this is wear the Arctic…
The main purpose of these two articles is to inform the audience on a continuous phenomenon of increasing temperatures in Artic areas. Both articles state their claim agreeing that the rising temperatures have been continuing to elevate in heat sensitive areas for quite some time now. Due to rising temperatures, the harsh sunlight has begun to show attention toward phytoplankton blooms. In research from “Thinning ice creates undersea artic greenhouses” by Thomas Sumner, there is information yet…
In 1607 I made my first voyage for the English Muscovy Company, in an effort to find an ice free passage through the North Pole to China and Japan. Although my crew and I had to make our way back to Europe after our ship was not able to get past Greenland, because of all the ice, this expedition, however, did provide a reliable view of this part of the world that has not yet been properly explored. It is because of this adventure, that the world found out about the Arctic Circle and the whales…