A Rhetorical Analysis: First-Year College Students

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Being a first-year college student, you are introduced to the idea of critical thinking early in order to gain intellectual knowledge for creating your own structure of writing. Not only is critical thinking an essential learning process, a student’s ability to understand a comparison of sources is especially imperative for a college education due to a variety of reasons. A rhetorical analysis not only explores the content of a given source, but it also refers to what the author is trying to portray to his or her audience. Learning about the skills of rhetorical analysis teaches you how to apply these comparisons and differentiate between types of writing such as a popular or scientific article. For instance, breaking down the context of a …show more content…
The main purpose of these two articles is to inform the audience on a continuous phenomenon of increasing temperatures in Artic areas. Both articles state their claim agreeing that the rising temperatures have been continuing to elevate in heat sensitive areas for quite some time now. Due to rising temperatures, the harsh sunlight has begun to show attention toward phytoplankton blooms. In research from “Thinning ice creates undersea artic greenhouses” by Thomas Sumner, there is information yet to be discovered before knowing if enough nutrients such as nitrogen and iron are creating these blooms. If more blooms are appearing in the Arctic Ocean, they may already be dramatically reshaping the Arctic ecosystem. With a combination of research and results, both articles demonstrate a shocking summary of how fast our planet has been warming up.
For popular articles, journalists or professional authors write for a wide-ranging audience such as students or the general public. “Thinning Ice Creates Undersea Greenhouses” is one example of how popular news articles can be written. While it is a common article, it uses a brief sequence structure that can quickly be read or skimmed over with its simple language structure. Popular news articles tend to be significantly shorter to state its importance of the topic and to include language that is easily understood by anyone who happens to come across the

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