All the reading from chapter one is very interesting. As mentioned in the book “Rhetoric means the ways writers make their ideas understanding and seek to influence their readers” It means once you get the Rhetoric sensitivity inside, you should be able to know main purpose your audience and context. I will go ahead and choose Tara L. Kuther, “Understanding Bullying ” for rhetorical situation. I came in this conclusion because I believe that bullying is happened any where wit the common people who goes to the school/college and live in the community.…
This image was taken at the 2009 LBZ convention in London, and is of a group of people who are cosplaying as characters from the anime Hellsing. Cosplay is a term that means to dress up or role play, usually as characters from an anime, manga, or a book. In Laura Collins essay backpacks vs briefcases, she goes into how an important part of rhetorical analysis is its context (Collins). She says this because to be able to analyze something you must be able to understand it.…
Towards the middle, Jasper Neel states that people have gotten too comfortable, that people have forgotten what rhetoric was meant for. The authors introduce the effects this has an North America university writing, they explain students tend to focus on the aim, purpose,…
Lloyd Bitzer’s “The Rhetorical Situation” describes three aspects of creating a rhetorical situation:…
Being a first-year college student, you are introduced to the idea of critical thinking early in order to gain intellectual knowledge for creating your own structure of writing. Not only is critical thinking an essential learning process, a student’s ability to understand a comparison of sources is especially imperative for a college education due to a variety of reasons. A rhetorical analysis not only explores the content of a given source, but it also refers to what the author is trying to portray to his or her audience. Learning about the skills of rhetorical analysis teaches you how to apply these comparisons and differentiate between types of writing such as a popular or scientific article. For instance, breaking down the context of a…
In the Article, “Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps toward Rhetorical Analysis”, by Laura Bolin Carroll she phrases the needs and importance of rhetorical analysis to aid the basics behind the excess of situations encountered daily. Carroll thoroughly expands on the subject by describing the necessary steps to effectively understand how to rhetorical analyze. In Carroll’s article, she emphasizes her points on how we humans consistently, in a way, over analyzing others and the environment around us. Carroll really explains that what we do is called, “rhetorical analysis”.…
This strategy was extremely useful for my response to “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff. Reading the article and capturing its main idea helped me respond to Graff’s claims. Like I did in the summary paper, I reviewed the whole piece swiftly, yet carefully, by examining each paragraph to comprehend Graff’s arguments more clearly. Also, searching for interesting quotes allowed me to explain what I agree and disagree with. For example, I agreed with Graff’s claim that schools and colleges are to blame for not considering street smarts as part of their learning community by mentioning that “street smarts are intellectuals in their own right much as book smarts are and that schools and teachers bear the responsibility of helping street smarts reveal their hidden potential.”…
Each author has a way of expressing their intended purpose to their audience, many do so by using rhetorical strategies. A rhetorical device is a way to convey meaning or to persuade. Rhetorical strategies are found in every piece of writing but we generally do not realize it. In the speeches by Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, they use rhetorical strategies to convey their messages. In Tim O’Brien’s book The Things They Carried, rhetorical devices are found throughout his writing.…
Rhetoric is defined to be the art of effective persuasion within speaking and writing. The importance of a rhetorical situation was to have the ability to manipulate the audience with persuasion and to think of the certain topic that was once given in the current event. Rhetoric can be acted within the bounds on interaction the speaker (rhetor), audience, current issue, and the medium. As a result, these actions, conduct to creating a rhetorical situation. Also, the rhetorical situation was further defined by rhetorical theories.…
“Students need to read source texts as arguments and to think about the rhetorical contexts in which they were written rather than to read them merely as a set of facts to be learned. ”(Kantz 433.) Kantz argument is that using rhetorical reading techniques is a useful tool in recognizing the difference between facts and claims to write an original argument. Support for this claim includes her credibility, and personal experiences she had as a…
Laura Bolin Carroll is able to clearly persuade us of the importance of being able to have the skills of rhetorical analysis when being presented with rhetoric. In her text, “ Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps toward Rhetorical Analysis “, she relates to the audience by putting into words how we, as a society make quick analysis by making assumptions by appearance. You are quick to make conclusions about a person simply by how they present themselves. We have it engraved in our reasoning that a person’s appearance is a representation of their personality. As we continue to make these assumptions and conclusions, we begin to adjust to the amount of rhetoric information that is given to us through these encounters.…
Throughout the year, I have encountered challenges when writing scene analyses. At the beginning of the year, I frequently overlooked details or I failed to thoroughly analyze a passage. In my analysis of Scott Russell Sanders’s essay “Under the Influence,” I did not closely analyze the text and I repeatedly cited long quotes without any in-depth analysis. In my paragraphs analyzing this text, I mostly summarized the meaning of the text and I failed to demonstrate the importance of the lines that I cited. As the year progressed, I met with KP several times so that I would understand how I could improve my analyses.…
During the first few weeks of ENG 1301, we’ve learned the significance of learning rhetorical skills while writing; specifically, the rhetorical triangle - also known as ethos, pathos, and logos appeals. Whether you need to beg your parents for more gas money, or you want to receive a raise from that revolting fast food chain you’re forced to work at to pay college tuition, these appeals are the foundation of persuasion and can move an audience in any which way the author pleases to do so. In order to be accepted into a community, one must deeply understand the overall purpose and interests of the group. Once this happens, you’ll be able to intuitively understand the discourse community’s way of communicating and interacting with one another.…
Throughout the year, it felt as though we neglected to cover all rhetorical elements, I constantly found myself asking during APEXs, “ What is an understatement? What’s a syllogism? How can something be anti thesis”. Not even our Language of Composition books had a complete list of possible elements, and I feel as though, if I did not take it among myself to study others on my own, I would have been lost on the AP exam. The exam asked to identify foils, anecdotes, and colloquials…