It was easy for me to understand what was going on within the text since I was very interested in the storyline, but I was just looking at the surface. So coming face to face with this project I struggled with analyzing the situations that were happening. Not going to lie, I was highly discouraged when I received the feedback from my rough draft. I was told that my six pages of content were basically a literary analysis and not an analysis of rhetoric. It made me think that I was doing everything wrong and I would have to start from square one all over again. It was one thing to come up with evidence to back up my argument and another thing to show how it backs it up entirely. I went to conference with Professor Kinney-Lang to discuss this feedback to see where how I can move forward with what I had. He reassured me that my work would not be put to waste. I just had to push my ideas further. I would have to show “how” this quote would should that thing, “why” the author decided to do what they did, and to what effect that had created in the reader. While working on my final draft I kept these comments in mind. I made sure I was answer the “how” and “why” of a text rather then the “what”. I had to look deeper within the situations and quotes I was picking to make a rhetorical argument. Upon receiving the feedback from my final draft, I feel like I have a better understanding of rhetorical techniques, but I also could …show more content…
Not only have I grown as a writer, but as a reader. Now I am always analyzing everything, sometimes even overthinking a situation. I guess that is what rhetoric does to you. I used to think rhetorical was only prevalent in writing, but now I am seeing it all over the pace. When I analyze a writer’s work, I put myself in their position to see a reason behind their rhetorical choices. Then I became the writer and the tables were turned. I had to put whoever was reading my work into my shoes. I enjoyed this class because it was different from the normal writing classes I have taken, where there is only one way of thinking. The knowledge I have obtained from Writing 39B will not only guide me throughout my journey in college, but also in