the smoothing method. According to Rothwell, “Smoothing is the act of calming the agitated feelings of others during a conflict episode” (Rothwell 266). I really think that they used this method because they ended up getting together and did not talk about the problem right from the beginning. They talked about other things and then about half way into their meeting so to say they brought it up. I think the smoothing method worked because they were really calm and did it in a social atmosphere. Justine did not at all blow up on Sam so that was a good thing. Since they waited so long to see each other the feelings were brought down so then she had time to think about it. The smoothing method is a very effective method during any sort of argument and I really encourage myself and others to use that method for the greater…
parties benefit from it. According to Thorp, “Compromise is a critical component for any healthy relationship. Without a willingness to compromise, it is nearly impossible to find a middle ground where both sides are feeling recognized, heard, and appreciated. Whenever you find yourself at an impasse with another person, this is a good time to ask yourself, “Do I want to be right or do I want to have peace?” Recognize that arguing over the minutia will only serve to isolate you further, while…
solutions for the injury as well as construct a bone joint model for the injury (we choose knee injuries). Jen was taking this course for fun and did not have past experiences with knee injuries. On the other hand, I was on several sports teams for the school and had knee injuries. Plus, I had been planning on going into kinesiology while Jen was going into math for university. The conflict arose when I wanted to do most of the work in order to assure that we get the best mark possible, while…
School is a place that some people dread, yet some love. This should not be the case at all. Everyone should be able to go to school and be comfortable with the situation and ready to learn. How you feel when you go to school depends on your relationship with the teachers and the other students, as well as your memories in the school. Odds are, when a teacher tries to control your every move, you do not like said teacher. However, there is no efficiency in a classroom that has no discipline or…
Being raised as 1 out of 5 children by a single mother, I have learned to acknowledge and appreciate the sacrifices my mother has made to be a great parent. And I feel that the only way to show my gratitude to her is by becoming successful and being happy with the decisions I make in life. In the passage “The Good Daughter,” Caroline Hwang gives an account of the obligation she felt when it came to repaying the sacrifice her parents made of moving from Korea to America for her. The main idea in…
Happiness, expressed in an everyday sense, is a mental or a psychological state of being sound and well defined by positive energy or joy. One may feel happy in a different manner, and due to a different reason than another. For example, one may be happy to win a million dollar lottery, whereas another may be happy to just to be alive. It is subjective when it comes to interpreting happiness as it differs with every individual. As a matter of fact, happiness compels an individual to embrace…
possessed it, this would make it easier to observe in a single individual. We agreed that this larger thing is a city…(Plato 96).” It is evident, therefore, that the state and the ruler described in The Republic by Plato are clearly parallel to one another. There are three classes in the state and three parts of the mind in the ruler. The three classes of the state are the rulers, the soldiers, and the craftsmen. The three parts of the mind are the rational or reason part,…
industry’s first method was that you can control your weight through moderation and exercise. “The key to weight loss is moderation, and of course that if we all just exercised more, all of us would lose weight.” Another suggestion claimed by the food and diet industry is that we could drink diet sodas. “Consuming diet drinks would seem like a good idea.” These are the two common claims by the food and diet industry. (Question1B) While the claims by the food and diet industry might seem…
Alcohol is one of the most common known drugs that people commonly abuse in the United States today. Throughout this paper, the team will outline the treatment modalities that can be used during treatment and the demographics of the population abusing and going through treatment. Treatment is necessary to beat this addiction and to encourage abusers to enter rehabilitation center one must understand what can be done and what steps need to be taken. Finally, this paper shows what happens when…
Journal) claims that the internet as a medium for information is having a detrimental effect upon the human brain and changing the way we think in a negative way. He claims that the internet has an excess of information and distractors that detract from our ability to focus, concentrate, and consolidate memory properly. While some of the arguments and references he makes are well supported, there are a lot of red flags that anyone reading with an academic perspective would immediately question.…