Your subtopic, assigned to Paper Group 7, is “Adaptations in diving marine animals: cetaceans, pinnipeds, and penguins.” Birds and mammals have relatively high metabolic processes and require constant access to high quantities of oxygen for survival. If the brains of these animals are deprived of oxygen for even short periods of time, death may occur. Even though most humans can only hold their breaths for less than a minute, some marine air breathers have evolved strategies that allow them to stay submerged from exceptionally long periods of time (30 minutes in penguins and 1-1.5 hours in diving marine mammals). In your paper you should examine both marine mammals and marine birds and describe the adaptations that allow for prolonged submergence. Then end with a section that compares and contrasts the strategies used between the two groups. Cetatceans:Whales Pinnipeds: Seals Penguins…
Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives. Although only eight species of bears are extant, they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern Hemisphere. Bears are found on the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Common characteristics of modern bears include large bodies with…
Common and Scientific Name Polar bears are commonly known as polar bears here in English but in French they are known as Ours blanc or Ours polaire and in Spanish polar bears are known as Oso polar. Polar bears can also be called sea bear, ice bear or even white bear. Habitat Description and Niche Characteristics Diet: Polar bears are carnivores and their primary prey are seals. Some seals that polar bears eat are ringed seals, bearded seals and other pinnipeds. Polar bears can be…
2006). As of today there are two segments of Steller sea lion and these are the Western and Eastern, which will be further discuss later on in this paper. Description: Steller sea lion have a very large body size, since they are considered the largest Otariids and fourth largest pinniped. Besides their large body size some identifying features that Steller sea lion possess are bulging eyes, flat squared nose, blunt face and a bear-like head. Compared to other pinniped they also have…
Ender’s Game has several gripping characters that largely contribute to the story. The three Wiggin siblings are like the three bears from Goldilocks and The Three Bears. Peter is like the father bear; his personality is too hard, just like the father bear’s bed. Valentine is like the mother bear; her personality is too soft, just like the mother bear’s bed. Then there was Ender. He is like the baby bear; having everything be just right. However, you couldn’t have a respectable story without any…
Appearance, diet, habitat, natural (or introduced) predators, and reproductive habits Polar Bears live in an arctic marine ecosystem, and its native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. Polar bears have a distinctive white appearance. Their necks are much longer and their head is narrower compared to other species of bears. The front paws are large and used like paddles for swimming. Paws are heavily…
Monkeys live in lots of places around the world. And monkeys have to adapt to their environment by using their body parts. “Monkeys depend primarily on their eyes to gather information about their surroundings” (Monkey). There are some monkeys that use different body parts because they are in different environments. Since there are different environments in the world, some monkeys use different body parts more often than other monkeys. The Snow Monkeys live in the mountains far up North. Since…
Scientists have predicted that in 2050, the global polar bear population will be decreased by approximately 30%. This raises an important question, “Are polar bear’s numbers blooming, or are they endangered at this time?” Recent statistics have said that there are roughly 26,000 polar bears alive today, but what about the future, will they survive? Polar bears will eventually go extinct because they are having less litters of cubs, they are unable to adapt to any other environment, and since…
Ursus arctos horribilis is the scientific name for the one and only Grizzly Bear. The Grizzly Bear has some specific qualities to help it survive in areas like Minnesota. The Grizzly Bear has key traits to make them survive in Subarctic climate zones. The Grizzly Bear has "grizzled" fur according to Animal Fact Guide. The also use this fur to hibernate in the winter months. A Bear usually has 40 beats per minute when the Bear is active, but, when it's the hibernating season, it drops down to 8…
The four basic cultural divisions of the Arctic consisted of the Unangan, Yup’ik, and 2 types of Inuit. The Arctic is a very harsh environment, so these tribes had to learn to live with the cold, and have strong self-reliance, cooperation, modesty, self-control, and share with others. The Unangan lived in large, permanent communities located on the Aleutian Islands. This was a relatively warm environment. Their main food resource consisted of sea mammals and fish. They are different from the…