find ways to recycle waste and ways to increase energy efficiency. One way to help with Eco-Defense is to help eliminate pollution. Pollution happens in different forms; air, water, soil, radioactive, noise, heat/thermal and light. The most dangerous form of pollution is air. Our daily burning of fuel from cooking and driving releases a lot of chemical substances into the air everyday. The smoke from coal burning releases sulphur dioxide into the air, which makes it toxic. With the release of those chemicals and gases into the air, causes global warming and acid rain. This makes it hard for animals to survive and we breathe in those polluted particles from the air, which could cause asthma and cancer in the lungs. There are several ways to reduce air pollution. Recycling paper, plastic, glass bottles, cardboard and aluminum cans are ways to conserve energy. Planting trees in areas around your home that will provide shade in the summer and sunlight during the winter months. When doing the laundry, use warm or cold water instead of hot and lowering your thermostat on your water heater to 120F. Keeping your tires properly inflated and aligned is another way to cut down on air pollution. Small things like using public transportation, or walking and even riding a bike reduces air pollution. If possible, join a car or vanpool to get to work. Another type of pollution is water. Over fifty percent of living organisms live in bodies of water. Industrial waste and the…
Food waste is a topic nobody really talks about. It is even possible to say that not a lot of people are even aware of these issues. Every year 1/3 of the annual food production is thrown away in the garbage just to end up in a landfill. That’s 20 lbs of food per month; that’s basically money in the garbage. Perfectly good, edible, food is being thrown out and wasted. Countries around the world have people who are dying of hunger and here we are throwing edible food away. There has to be…
I also offered to assist in getting a $1.8M federal aid to enable the company eliminate the toxic emission waste, by funding, and implementing the recycling process developed by the University Science Research Lab. The process will not only cut pollution, but would also reclaim, hydrocarbon poly-dichloride slag, a material which can be used in manufacturing polyethlene, and hydrochloric acid, which are profitable by-product of the said process. The process will create about 1000 new jobs.…
bottles that were just tossed out the window? The earth is being polluted more and more each day as people are tossing their trash on the ground. Millions of dollars are spent every year, making simple things such as plastic bottles, because people are sending them to landfills instead of recycling bins. The earth is becoming a dirty place and it is already beginning to impact us. The best ways to make the earth cleaner are to recycle, buy reusable items, and stop littering. The complexity of…
comes to our environment and we know that increase has a lot to do with the growing population around the world. Yet, as we continue to grow in numbers of people, we also continue to lack a sufficient amount of natural resources to go around as well as places to absorb all of the waste we create. We have been given natural resources that can be taken for granted so easily because we never think of what life will be like when they’re gone. We have never had to live in a world without them so we…
environment the problem is located in. This was used mainly to focus on how the sea life under the bridge have adapted to their changing, polluted habitats. Originally, I planned to go diving myself to see these changes first hand, but unfortunately the timing of the tides over the last couple of weeks prevented me from being able to dive safely through the channel. Instead, I interviewed and got some information on Swansea Channel over the decades from an expert diver who has been diving in…
Mad Max: Fury Road paints a society where the line between "machine" and "human" is aggressively blurred. The dependence on fossil fuels and the dehumanizing objectification of humans leads to exploitation of both people and the earth. Rob Nixon's Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor provides a deeper context of the resource curses and inequalities that may cause such a society, both in the film and in our own world today. In the world of Fury Road, both humans and the earth…
The amazing penguin rescue and The seabird chronicle According to “The amazing penguin rescue” and “The seabird chronicle”, the oil spills are hurting more than 41,000 little penguins. When the penguins were getting sick in the oil spills tons of thousands of people started helping to save the penguins. “The amazing penguin rescue” and “The seabird chronicle” have similarities and differences such as the conflict and how the setting creates a specific mood of the story. One similarity…
Garbage relates to everything from all kinds of waste whether generated during the extraction of raw materials or after the consumption of final products. It is present everywhere, even in the middle of the oceans. Trash Inc: The Secret Life of Garbage is a documentary film showing the waste produced around the world and the life cycle of trash/garbage. The documentary explains what happens to the garbage when it’s thrown away and its impact on the people and the world. It shows how the waste…
of water, while others cherish the water they have. This is very apparent in source 6, "Water Collective," where it also states "1,000 liters used daily by the Gilbertson Family In New York City... 200 liters used daily by the Sarker family in India." Urban cities waste a significant amount of water since it is more readily available to them, they just have to open a tap and the water flows. People's carelessness has a large effect on the world's water availability, but it is only one of the…