Aaron Ford Antonino English III 23 March 2017 Marine Biology Marine biology is a field in science that looks solely at the life of marine animals and plants. What is a marine biologist? A marine biologist is the study of oceans and the marine animals in the oceans that lve in our waters. They look at the organism behavior and interactions with the environment. The first research done on marine animals were by Aristotle 322bc. Although there has been marine biology before this time and plenty of studies done as early as 1200 bc Aristotle was the first to record the information. Aistotle identified a many different species including crustaceans, echinoderms, mollusks, and fish. (The modern day study of marine biology began with the exploration by Captain james cook (1728-1779) in 18th century Britain. Captai Cook is most known for his extensive voyages of…
A look beneath Marine biology has peaked my interest with its overwhelming amount of things to study. The ocean, along with other bodies of water, are a marine biologist’s playground. Not only do they study fish, but the quality of the water, the plants, the wavelength periods, acidity, and many more aspects. However, to become a marine biologist one must have a Bachelor of Science degree in marine biology, this includes classes such as biology I and II, general chemistry I and II,…
almost three quarters of the Earth’s surface. Marine biology is the study of marine organisms, their behaviors, and their interactions with the environment. The habitats studied in marine biology include everything from study the of the atmosphere, the depth of the ocean canyons, fish, and natural disasters. In order for a marine biologist to work in the field they would need to have completed geometry, trigonometry,and calculus. Marine biologists study habitats of fish, where fish live, what…
Marine Biology: The term seems so simple and stale. This name does not suit the complex, vast and beautiful array of animals and plants that are encompassed by the term Marine Biology. I have been entranced with all things aquatic since I played Poseidon in the the 3rd grade Greek Myth Play. After 3 years of being parent to a red-eared slider, I began visiting the National Aquarium every weekend so I could continue learning about marine animals. I would sit in front of the large glass wall of…
What is a Marine Biologist? According to Merriam Webster “marine” means of or relating to the sea or the plants and animals that live in the sea. A biologist is a scientist that studies things that are biotic, therefore, making the word “Marine Biologist” mean the study of ocean life. Approximately 70% of the earth is covered by water, while the rest is land. A marine biologist has a significant profession by studying the life in the ocean and all of its secrets. The secrets in the ocean could…
making a difference in this world. A career in marine biology will bring the satisfaction of working in a comfortable setting in order to make a contribution to the world. To fulfill this passion, at minimum, an undergraduate…
Ever since the age of 3, I have wanted a career that had to do with animals. I walked into the Shamu show with my parents at SeaWorld San Antonio, looked my mom dead in the eye, and told her with complete seriousness that I wanted to train Shamu when I grew up. As a child, I wanted to understand these marine mammals so badly—I researched them constantly and devoured any information that I could find on them. Nothing could satisfy my thirst for knowledge, and as I learned more and more about…
Marine biology has always been a passion of mine ever since I first heard about it when I was four years old. My family has a deep-running connection to the ocean so when they realized how interested I was in science, they suggested marine biology. I loved the concept of studying unknown creatures that sit miles below the surface of our planet that no human has ever seen. I’ve read many textbooks and field guides over the years, which started as an amusing pastime. However, the more I read,…
Personally, I have a great interest in cardiology, marine biology, and zoology. These three areas all happen to involve living organisms, however, they are very different. While cardiology involves humans and their hearts, marine biology deals with organisms in the ocean. Zoology is dealing with the animal kingdom and their classifications. Cardiology is compelling because the study deals with the heart. This organ is about the size of a fist and can pump approximately 5 ¼ quarts of blood per…
Marine biology is a blended subject that combines details of organismal function, ecological interaction and the study of marine biodiversity. Marine biology begun in about 1200 BC when the Phoenicians began ocean journeys using astronomical navigation. It was the writings of Aristotle from 384-322 BC that specified references to marine life were recorded. Aristotle identified a diversity of species including mollusks, fish, and echinoderms. Aristotle is referred to as the father of marine…