Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance Essay

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    Describe three reasons why your boss should view pay as more important than he/she does. 1. Motivation 2. Fairness 3. Job My boss should view pay as more important than he/she does because pay has an impact on employees’ motivation, perception of fairness and job satisfaction. All three of this factors influence the employees’ job performance and organization commitment. Strong job performance and organization commitment result in better financial and production outcomes for the company. Motivation Pay should be considered more important to my manager as pay is a strong motivator of job performance and organizational commitment. Motivation is a set of forces that originate within and outside an employee that initiates work related effort and determines its direction, intensity and persistence. Per the expectancy theory, motivation is maximized when an employee believes three things: Effort will result in performance, performance will result in outcomes, and those outcomes are valuable. Pay is an extrinsic outcome that is…

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    is about what an employee should expect in the specific working environment. There is two main types of expectation in and organisation expectations of an employee and expectations of an employer. According to Thompson, (2015) the expectations of an employee in an organisation is to have a clear understanding of the work that is required, Have the competence to perform the required tasks, be quick to learn and be reliable. The expectations of an employer includes providing the necessary tools…

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    This sometimes supersedes what is important to the employee, making them feel overlooked. Taylor, B. M. (2015). The Hierarchical Model of Motivation: A Lens for Viewing the Complexities of Motivation. Performance Improvement, 54(4), 36-42. doi:10.1002/pfi.21475 This article is about the self-determination theory how motivation is examined at situational, contextual, and global levels. The situations that people encounter, the feedback they receive, and the consequences derived from…

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    relation to the activities. While on the other hand, extrinsic factors contribute as the encouragement to actions due to which the motivation of employees is affected. Employee motivation has the potential to influence three different perspective linked to the action such as intensity, direction and duration. Maroudas et al (2008) highlighted that the first perspective determines the extent to which the employee in the process of work gives effort. While on the other hand, the second factor…

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    behaviour is called as the motivation (Scholl N.d.) According to the researchers, applying Motivation theories in a work place lead managers to treat employees with respect and also make employees more productive and creative. The motivation is the key to success of an organisation. The motivation is a quicker process than having experience and training. Futhermore, there are seven strategies at the beginning of the motivation in a workplace: positive reinforcements, effective punishments,…

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    Effective leadership is foundational for producing motivation. Just as motivation is crucial for an organization’s success, so is leadership vital in motivating team members. Leadership sets the tone for the organization. Specifically, leadership affect motivation through creating a system for evaluation, satisfying employees needs, and through recognizing high performing employees. Leadership plays an essential role for an organization. Consequently, leadership plays a pivotal role in the…

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    ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY “EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION” Student Name: Jasdeep Kaur Student ID: 000350589 Due Date: September 28, 2015 Instructor’s Name: Sally J Gibson Airey, D., & Tribe, J. (2000). ‘Education for Hospitality’. In C. Lashley & A. Morrison (Eds.), In Search of Hospitality (pp. 276-92). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. This case study helps to know that there are many training techniques employers use to train their workers. Training employees at work is the most formal and…

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    Submitted On August 22, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 2 Share this article on Twitter 1 Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Sudakshina Bhattacharya I 've borrowed a quote from someone to set the context. "In thinking about motivation from a…

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    According to Denhardt et al. (2013), “motivation is what causes people to behave as they do”. In a study conducted in 1981, it was found that there were over 140 different definitions of motivation (Denhardt, Denhardt, & Aristigueta, 2013). One researcher defined the study of motivation as “the analysis of the various factors that incite and direct an individual’s action” (Denhardt, Denhardt, & Aristigueta, 2013). Other researchers have suggested that motivation “represents a hypothetical…

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    Victor H. Vroom As an international expert on leadership and decision making, the Expectancy Theory of Motivation was suggested by Victor H. Vroom. He was named to the original board of officers of the Yale School of Management when it was founded in 1976. Vroom has focused much of his research on dealing with motivation and leadership within an organization. He is currently a professor at the Yale School of Management at Yale University. • Vroom's Expectancy Theory addresses motivation and…

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