In this paper, I will focus on the process involved in the Site Plan Control application process. Site Plan control is enabled through Section 41 of the Planning Act. Municipalities pass a Site Plan control by-law that details in where and under what circumstances approvals for development are required, site plan control is normally applied to allow industrial, commercial and institutional uses and may also include select residential areas (eg. Heritage districts, properties fronting roads with future road widenings). It allows for a municipality to regulate and enforce the design and functionality of a development proposals. Through a site plan control process various design elements such as, storm water management, elevations and architecture, landscaping, fire protection, parking, servicing and accessibility are reviewed and approved. Everything agreed upon during the review process of the site plan is included in a legal agreement that is registered on title against the property to ensure compliance through out the development process and in the…
These loopholes were created due to the monitoring of department manager becoming less of concern, due to the rapid growth of the municipality. Municipalities are like businesses, if monetary funds are not observed appropriately, funds may not be available for impending growth. Eventually the proverbial “bottom” will fall out, therefore, lay offs may transpire. Hillton’s main focus demonstrated a large focus on many hard funds. These may include but not limited to as McShane and Von Glinow…
One of them is the absence of authority held by environmental departments and the absence of allowing them to address climate change (Ziervogel, 2012). Provincial and national governments are required to address climate change, though at the municipal level it referred to as an ‘unfunded mandate’. New suggestions in policies state that it should be required at the municipal level as well, but municipal financing is not indicating this yet. Small municipalities have a harder time when it comes to…
own Government The town government is a seven member Council that holds the legislative power of municipality. The power of municipality allows the sevens members to discuss and enact possible solutions to community problems. Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month, usually at 7:00pm. While council meetings are not open to the public, there are several public meetings that are open to everyone; people are encouraged to share their opinions regarding the…
the end of the fiscal year. Although this practice of under estimating general fund revenues has aided the city in obtaining a AAA bond rating it also produces a significant sum of uncommitted funds which Scully has to dispense at the end of the fiscal year. Another budgetary practice of Sculley is the city’s frequent use of certificate of obligations (COs) to fund city projects. Unlike traditional funding of city projects by voter approved bond proposals CO’s allow the city to generate debt to…
education. Governance in the City of Chicago sees the importance of educationally equity therefore, HB 4560 was drafted in support of allocating surplus TIF funding to financially distressed school districts. Desperate entities including parents and teachers alike have conjoined efforts to support Chicago Public Schools (CPS) in attaining additional funding. There is interplay of violence and education, as inner city schools retain and graduate students it is less likely they are going to…
they must state their name and address. The council members can ask questions over the matter and present possible solutions or offer to discuss and get back to them at a later time. At the particular meeting I was at on April 11th, there were only three citizens that volunteered to speak. The rest just stayed and observed which I was surprised by. When I went I expected to listen to many citizens state concerns about the future. City councilmembers, county supervisors, and other elected…
represent the people is by listening to them. Another issue I take with the Council is the lack of debate before voting. I find it concerning the only open discussion was regarding legislation being made by a different governing body. This, along with the lack of respect I witnessed, gave the very distinct impression that everyone’s vote was predetermined before going to the meeting. Debate and discussion should lead to a clearer understanding of an issue which helps both sides more…
Events and tourism are intrinsically connected and are a significant relationship that enables the image and brand of an event to be associated with a particular destination. The Asbury Film and Music festival attempts to demonstrate the city of Asbury as an image of vibrant cultural and musical history and caliber, in order to attract an influx of tourism. Many cities and destinations are seeking to focus on the creation and hosting of special events and festivals. The Asbury Film and Music…
In 1986, I was born in the state of South Carolina, in Florence County. I was raised in the small town of Lake City, South Carolina, which was established in the year of 1750. This town came into existence due to the fact it was on a road that ran between Kingstree to the south and Cheraw to the north. Later, there was a road placed between Georgetown and Camden adding to the cross of the older road, forming a crossroads. I have lived in Lake City, for majority of my life and as many others,…