Textbooks VS Technology With the world leaning towards being technology based, many question if this will lead to full time digital learning for schools. This then leads to the battle if schools will stick with their textbooks and handwritten notes or switch over to ebooks, chromebooks, tablets, etc. They both have plenty of benefits to them. But along with the good points, there tends to be bad ones as well. They both are designed differently and teach in different ways. What students want to know is, which one is better for them? Students in Union High School find it common to use a chromebook when given or when granted permission to use their phones to look up information on a topic. There are still some teachers who provide textbooks but…
of being part of the "anyone can write a book" club. Effortlessness of publishing by electronic means is both an asset and flaw as it renders illegal reproduction just as easy (Rambo). In addition, the lack of professional support is why the market is flooded with poorly written, edited, and presented E-books (Collings). Thus, legitimacy is an important concern as the deluge of deficient E-books further complicates matters for those seeking to establish themselves as a professional author. In…
a paper book or digital book. Paper books vs. Digital books which is better? This has been on many hard core readers minds for sometime. Many people also think that because there are now digital books there are no longer need for paper books. They both have good advantages in having them. They also both have disadvantages to. This is why by comparing and and contrasting the answer to that question may be answered. By finding all the facts that make paper books and digital books different but…
comfort us and educate us. They touch our hearts and make us smile and cry, they make us human. When reading stories there is so much you can gain from them. Stories give you advice, and have morals, which teach you lessons. Even if you read a book for the hundredth time, when you finish it, it might teach you something new, or a new way to look at it. It gives different point of views. So then you might ask why read books? Well, reading books improves your imagination, it helps expand yourself…
Ambiguity” we see two different types of conflict. The first and most prominent conflict is Man versus Himself. It occurs when a character is struggling against either their mind or something inside of them. The man struggles with himself in two ways. First the man wishes he had read more as a child and blames not having the time to do it. In reality he wasn’t very interested, because if he was really interested in reading he would have made the time to read. The second way is he tries to…
nescience, pessimism, and prejudice. Bray describes books—to which the library card is a passport—as windows into new mindsets, ideas and perspectives; books are described as conduits by which the library broadens…
one, took enjoyment in learning how to do these things. When I was a child, of course the picture books were the best. I mean, at that age, I didn’t really have the visualization skills to see the book on my own just from words, versus how I am today. So, I loved having the pictures in books as a visual aid. I was reading things like “Beauty & the Beast, The Jungle Book, Tarzan, Cinderella, and The Lion King.” I can’t say how many times I read those books over and over. I went on to read more…
change. After much consideration, if ever given the opportunity to organize a library, it would most definitely be in the genrefication or bookstore model, alphabetically for the fiction selections, while the non-fiction would be shelved according to Dewey. First, arranging fiction books by genre will help students, especially younger students, find what they want to read for pleasure more easily than shelving them by author’s last name. Students need to experience success, not frustration when…
fostered in me a burning desire for reading and a love to get lost in a book. In grade school, I was known to finish my math and other more “boring” work as quickly as possible so that I could get back to whichever story I was reading at the time. As I got older, reading for pleasure took a backseat to homework, a social life, and other hobbies. I believe I will always be a life long reader, just in varying degrees through the different stages of my life. Growing up, my mom made reading…
Ashamed, I paraded my way across the library to the binder, desolately sitting by itself in a dark corner. I tugged open the cover and then flipped to the very back, in the 1650+ range. Scanning the page I found it only listed four titles. Making up my mind, I settled on looking for one called The Scarlet Letter that I’d never heard of before. After a few short minutes of looking, I triumphantly pulled the book from the shelf and inspected the cover. It looked more worn and faded and had an…