Human Brain Essay

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    Human Brain Hypothesis

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    The human brain is one of many features that make our species a unique species. It is responsible for language acquisition and logic and reasoning as well as many other cognitive functions that make us unique compared to other species. This is one of the reasons scientists aim to study the brain and its evolutionary history. Scientists believe a correlation exists between these functions and the brains large size in proportion to the rest of our bodies. Fossil evidence supports this theory. Fossil evidence has shown an increase in cranial size as higher cognitive functions, such as cave paintings and stone tools, arose. Scientists still do not understand how an increase in brain size has led to such an increase in cognitive functions. They…

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    Sponge To The Human Brain

    • 1786 Words
    • 7 Pages

    simple yet useful. Now compare that sponge to the human brain. It’s porousness allows outside substances to seep in and be collected. The sponge grows and holds more than expected of it. Much like the sponge, our brain can absorb and retain valuable resources. Without the brain, humans would not be able to function. The brain, a highly complex part of the human anatomy, is in charge of one’s intelligence, the senses, producer of all body movements, and controls behavior. For centuries the brain…

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    Human Brain Evolution

    • 957 Words
    • 4 Pages

    A change within the frequency of alleles in a population occurs on two distinct levels known as macro and microevolutions. The latter is explained as an alteration within a species’ environment that force adaptations in the group; a necessity for survival and reproduction. The evolution and adaptation of the human brain first occurred through a microevolution. As humans struggled to survive their brains grew and developed according to environmental changes; which are not always synonymous with…

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  • Improved Essays

    happen in their lives whether it be for a short time, or a long time. There are many factors involving the memory of the brain such as sleep. The human brain is a unique and amazing place where one can store things about their life. Some would say, that the human memory is like a huge library of moments stored throughout our brains. In my opinion, this is a great process is that if we are experiencing something new in our life, we can go and look up a past experience like we would look up a book…

    • 1100 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    The human brain can be modelled as a matrix of dots. Each dot's color can be flipped to opposite colors. When a baby is born, it's brain matrix consists of a very low m x n dots. As the baby grew, the number of m and n changes (usually both increases in magnitude). The magnitude of m and n are not necessarily the same, as both number defines the capacity of an individual's brain. The larger the product of m and n, the bigger the capacity to think. Capacity of the human brain can be narrowed…

    • 1932 Words
    • 8 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Use It or Lose It The human brain is the most complex, fascinating, and mysterious thing in the universe, and it has been studied since ancient times. The aura of mystery surrounding it has led over time to several misconceptions including the percentage of the brain we use at any given time. Albeit there is no scientific evidence, the commonly held notion is that humans use only the ten percent of their brain is the most diffuse among neuromyths. The lesser know reality is that we have access…

    • 1220 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    Human Brain Case Study

    • 1785 Words
    • 8 Pages

    Burton 1 The human brain is such a complex and beautiful organ of the body but yet is underappreciated. Many individuals of the human race fail to appreciate the importance of the brain, but that is just how their brain works! Ironic to think, but yet it is just as sad. Since the existence of mankind the human brain has constantly been evolving, growing stronger into the intricate, sophisticated organs of the present. By natural selection, certain people have a brain that is more developed than…

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  • Improved Essays

    Biology 1BL Term Paper Evolution of the Human Brain The human brain can approximately store 1.25 terabytes of information and can do this through the on average 100,000,000,000 neurons it has, and about the 100,000,000 meters of interconnections of these neurons(Cherniak 2012). The driving force behind the evolution of this complex structure seemed to be the ability to intake and analyze information about the organisms’ environment(Finlay, Darlington, and Nicastro 2001). It seems…

    • 785 Words
    • 4 Pages
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  • Superior Essays

    attainable information are endless. There is so much information that most humans can not comprehend the amount that is really available. However, with the touch of a few buttons, that information can be provided for the human brain to absorb. The internet search engines that are used everyday have become what can be considered an “external brain” for humans. In The Atlantic article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, Nicholas Carr makes several points as to why the internet is making humans less…

    • 1358 Words
    • 5 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    The human brain is a complex organ that researchers continue to study and discover how it works. J Ripley Stroop developed a test called the Stroop effect to help measure how well a person’s selective attention works and brain processing speeds (Chudler, 2015). This test is used in screening people for dementia, schizophrenia, brain damage, stroke, and ADHD and helps determine aspects of attention and focus (Chudler, 2015). Humans are not equal in cognitive abilities thus any one test is not…

    • 371 Words
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