My Struggles This course of English has been one of the most challenging courses that I have taken. There is a significant difference between the high school essays, and the college essays written by me. Since my placement into this class, there has been many new issues and problems facing me. New stress has been introduced to me as my time is limited to complete so much work in all my classes combined and not just in English. There are many new stresses related problems that I am now facing since the beginning of my first semester at Shawnee. Coming into English 0096, my confidence of passing a developmental course was low. The first essay that was writing by me for the class had received an unsatisfactory score, which was 3 out of 9 on the scoring rubric. This made me lose even more confidence when thinking about passing the class. Reading over my professors revised version, made me better in the upcoming essays. This is where my…
enrollment of first generation students has increased in universities and colleges around the United States. As long as I can remember, the journey to college for me was more than a normal path that every student takes after high school graduation. A higher education was a necessity for my self independence and to helped increase my ability to adapt to situations in times of struggle. As I grew-up in a family where my parents had to work extended work weeks in a dreadful environment, it became…
harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.” Throughout life, everyone has faced some type of adversity whether small or large. I personally have faced many adversities throughout my life. One major adversity I have faced is my father’s job loss after twenty five years. My father lost his job due to the economical struggles his plant was facing, leading to the plant’s closure. This caused my family to struggle financially. I experienced how exactly this loss was drastically affecting my…
“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you’ll have tomorrow.” (Robert Tew) Growing up I have always seen my parents struggling to make ends meet for my brother and I. In 2008 the struggle of not being able to get a stable job because of a lack of college education led my family to move from Florida to Kentucky. These difficulties have made my parents encourage me to further my education by obtaining a college degree. I want to have experience to help my children through their…
My family struggles and situation have inspired me to actually want to go to college and I want to inspire my family to do the same. My story begins with my parents’ circumstances. I was born in Peru and my parents never got married. At the time, they both had not graduated from college; yet therefore, we had financial problems. My mom eventually became a single mother. It was a hard childhood; I would often switch schools and since my mom was still in college, I would not see her as much. I…
The One Million Dollar Program embodies my belief that creating academic opportunities and supporting higher education coming together can create something powerful that goes far beyond what any one person can achieve alone. One Million Dollar is an outstanding, comprehensive, and intensity program that focusing on support towards academic excellence. What is most exciting is that students have the ability to participate in many academic activities throughout the year such as: tutoring, academic…
background no college background was the biggest struggle in my life. As my parents put me on a flight, brought me to America I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Coming from the other side of the world; Russia, I had no idea how to live the American life and speak the American language. It was like a new beginning for me to everything. My life, my language, my education. Growing up I always had the motivation to be successful in school. I have always wanted to grow up and help people…
Prepping for College In the fall semester of 2018, I will be going to college at Western Technical College to become an elementary school teacher. My first semester of college will hopefully go great but it doesn’t always turn out the way you think it will. I might struggle with classes and professors or I might not be good at getting my work done on time. I don’t exactly know what struggles I will face with my professors and other people in my college career. I hope that it will go okay and I…
As individuals evolve and prosper in life, they often experience struggles and obstacles in life. These struggles come in numerous ways throughout individuals’ lives, whether it is based on an educational, professional, or social level. When an individual overcomes certain obstacles and accomplishes goals during hardships in life, the outcome is rewarding. As regards to my own struggles in life, I have endured many educational struggles throughout the years. Certain educational struggles can…
The film showed how most first generation students navigate their way through the college application process while expressing some of the benefits and disadvantages first generation students encounter. Who were featured in the film? Donte is a smart young man who ran into trouble when he was younger; as a result, he changed his life around. Donte later spent much of his time picking his GPA up and playing football in pursuit of a college education. Jess goes to a small school and works in her…