Career as Elementary School Teacher Essay

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    Elementary School Teacher The career I chose to do is an Elementary school teacher. As an elementary school teacher you help kids develope proper behavior, how to study, and to communicate with other people, and or students. Also they teach their students such subjects as; Math, Reading, and Social Studies. Teachers need to have great communication skills with children also, because of the fact that they spend about eight hours a day with their young students. The work performed by an elementary school teacher is basically teaching their students the content that needs to be taught. Also teachers grade papers that they give to their students to see how much they understand what the teacher has taught their students. They at times need to…

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    Over the course of my seven years teaching high school social studies, I have had the opportunity to learn about the evolving roles and responsibilities of a school administrator from three amazing principals. Henry Kluttz, Kelly Withers, and Angelo DelliSanti have been excellent models for anyone aspiring to be an administrator. Having recently started my own journey towards this leadership role, my knowledge of what makes a great principal has grown exponentially. Having the opportunity to…

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    Picture an average day in the life of two 9-year-old, 3rd grade elementary school students. We find one White student at her hyper-segregated White elementary school in an upper middle class suburban community. Her counterpart is a Black, 9-year-old, 3rd grade student attending his elementary school in an inner city neighborhood. According to Google Maps, the two students attend elementary schools that are 11.3 miles apart. Google Maps reports that the driving distance between the two schools is…

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    My school experiences are not that fun. I went three elementary school, one junior high and one high school. I went two elementary school when I lived in Korea, first school is private school and another one is public school. I transferred private to public because when I went private school, I went with my younger brother and made a lot trouble; so, my parents separate me and my brother. Like, I went the public school, and my brother still went to the private. And this was feeling not great. I…

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    Patriot Elementary School: After teaching 14 years in elementary education, and serving on the District Educational Advisory Committee, School Improvement Panel, Local Professional Development Committee, and chair of the School Wide Committee, I am thrilled with my recent appointment as the principal of the Patriot Elementary School. Having taught grades 1-5 during my career, and working collaboratively with administration on data analysis over the years, I have a heightened awareness of the…

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    struggle began at the beginning of my reading career, learning the alphabet was extremely difficult for me and it took me way longer to understand the reason for learning the alphabet over other kids in my class. Imagine not being able to understand the core concept of reading when everyone around you fully knows and understands. You begin to…

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  • Improved Essays

    School uniforms, are they necessary? In the articles, The Role of School Uniforms in Creating an Academically Motivating Climate: Do Uniforms Influence Teacher Expectations? by John A. Huss, and Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms? by, Rob O’Donnell, Linne Hoofnagle, and Alicia Thomas, discus the topic of whether school uniforms should be enforced in schools across the world or not. Huss’s article is trying to prove that uniforms in schools are a good thing. Whereas O’Donnell,…

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    Elementary Grouping; a Disadvantage for the Majority Labels and ability grouping help determine a student’s future. A label can give a student an unfair advantage or disadvantage. Let me tell you about two second grade students. Both student A and student B have straight A’s, but yet there are some slight differences. Student B has a slight reading disability and a speech disorder. Does this mean student A is smarter than student B? Well, in the eyes of this particular school, student A is…

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    SES PTA Scholarship Essay Unlike most Stafford Elementary School was not just a six-year stomping ground that I moved on from. For me it has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was little I was dragged around by my mother to every PTA event. Then when I was five I finally started kindergarten and somehow never left. While I was in school I had some of the most amazing teachers and made friendships that have lasted to this day. There is no way I could pick just one…

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    School is both stressful and fun. Almost everyone in this world has been or will go to school at one point in their lives. Even though school was never my favorite thing to do in this life of mine I have always learned to make the most of the experience whether that comes from learning the material or just meeting new friends in my classes. My experiences have differed from grade to grade but I could clump the majority of experiences by the educational stages that include Elementary School,…

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