raised in the Philippines therefore, I only speak Tagalog to the people that surrounding me. I don’t acknowledge myself as a writer considering that I know I only write when it comes to school works. Howbeit I know that my capability in writing is to express my thoughts, ideas, and knowledge.I frequently write down what happened to my dreams and about that topic that is given also when I find the topic engaging, I 'll be more concentrated. What I also appreciate about writing is that I can write alluring essays that will inspire people, also to make them…
and produce well thought out writing pieces. I also learned that if I go through the proper steps, my writings get better and better and I write pieces I am proud of. In the past, I have always quickly wrote a paper and then thought I was done. I was usually not proud of my work and always thought I must not be a good writer. Through this class I have learned that there is a writing process and if I go through this process I can produce better papers and feel like a real writer. I have changed…
Throughout my years at Millsap’s, my freshman year taught me the most about myself and my abilities as a Millsap’s student. From my freshmen year courses, such as Heritage, Ventures and Connections, I understood that learning how to properly write was the foundation to my college career here at Millsap’s. I learned the expectations that my professors require of my writing that I would have to continuously have to work towards throughout my time here at Millsap’s. With each semester and new…
Writing has always been a part of my life that I have both fond and not so good memories about it. Starting in the early years of elementary school, I can remember teachers emphasizing us to be creative in our writings so that they would stand out from the others in the classroom. Some people may think that writing is just to get through an assignment and on to the next one; however, it has always had a way of enveloping me into the writing process since high school. Throughout my English…
anything related to writing a paper, because my strong suit is in mathematics. I can figure out any equation or formula you give me but giving me a paper to write is confusing to me. I have learned how to use my time wisely and make smart decisions on how long to spend working on my essays at a time, and when to start my essays. I was honestly proud of myself when I wrote the memoir essay because I had never written one or even heard of a memoir before. So when I was given the assignment to…
When I first started College writing I didn 't consider myself to be a very strong writer. After completing the entire semester I feel that this class overall has helped me to improve my skill level as a writer. At the start of the semester my anxiety level was very high and I expected to struggle in this class. When I was in high school I had a strong dislike for writing and as a result I wasn 't very good at it.My experience in this class has been completely different and I have actually…
learned very quickly that the assignment was going to be the easy compared to gathering all the information needed about myself. I was required to create multiple different essays that consisted of my post-high school plan and a reflective essay. It seemed easy to write essays on myself, but until I was required to write it all down, I never realized how many experiences contribute into making me who I am today. Even though I find it as the most challenging writing assignment, I also see it as…
While writing these past journals and essays, I feel in many ways I connected with part of the message of Carr's Googley-Technology essay. Carr wrote about the loss of deep reading skills, and the trend of skimming. Carr provided examples of the effects it had on some individuals. When I first read Carr's essay, I felt it was hard to follow, all over the road, long, somewhat tedious. Now, I had to write discussion entries, journals, and work on my essays, most of which were reflective of…
In reflecting upon this course, I feel I have grown personally and spiritually in many ways. As each new discussion topic came about, I could see and feel how I was gaining knowledge which has helped shape my viewpoints for ministry work. Through collaboration with my professor, Dr. Greasley, classmates, and other fellow students at The King’s University I learned what my strengths and my weaknesses are. This has lead me to develop a plan to strengthen my weaker areas. In my…
Running head: Reflective writing isn?t easy. My Reflective Essay According to Wikipedia, ?Reflective writing gives you the chance to think about what you are doing and to learn from your experience. You have the opportunity to discover how what you were taught in class and discuss how it helps you with your real-world or academic tasks.? I found myself struggling on which topic to choose for the essay. Thoughts of whether I considered my research essay a success,…