Metaphors are used regularly, sometimes interlinked with antithesis. [<- incorrect use of antithesis] Such as “we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist” which conveys a point simply and concisely though still evoking emotions and mental images from the audience. Antithesis enforces points and contrasts situations, so that they have a stronger effect. Imagery also persuades the audience to imagine what Obama is saying, making it more memorable. “The snow was stained with blood” plays on human’s natural empathy causing sadness or pity in the crowd. Obama, in this paragraph, talks about America’s history, evoking patriotism and he brings in the hardships of those eras that their ancestors…
My journey in the previous years hasn't been a good and sound experience .It was filled with enormous melancholy where i was a deplorable victim .Irregardless of all loopholes of life to my excitement none of them was able to bury the true me,my goals and the destiny ahead of me,in each lamentable circumstances .i was able to rise up and stand on my feet .i got used to my problems and made them the key inspiration to move on and got my life time lessons ,setbacks have made me a strong lady…
I was three, settling in Colorado. My parents promoted my English education so I could fit in, sacrificing my Russian and Uzbek language and culture. I subsequently moved to D.C when I was six and I moved to Georgia when I was fourteen. I started boarding at St. Albans when I was fifteen and spend my winter and summer breaks in Georgia. Every two years or so my family and I visit Uzbekistan and I gain a new understanding of my birthplace. I don’t feel like I have a brick and mortar home—I was…
visit his great-grandfather , at his property in New South Wales. French has made the readers believe that ted is disappointed with his family members. Shortly after Martin had arrived at the farm property ted makes Martin an offer that had been waiting for “If you make…
Woman of power Lheritier organic skin care; shaping your healthy living experience Francisca Ochieng took early retirement from her corporate career to setup Lheritier organic skin care company. She narrates to The Kenyan Report her journey. Ms. Ochieng’ talks about her love for organic products, overriding passion for entrepreneurship and living a healthy lifestyle. I am a Kenyan entrepreneur bred in the United States. I hold a post graduate degree in Investment Management from CASS Business…
Socialisation: My Life Journey The first life event is during Primary School Leaving Examination. The people that are involved in this life event is my form teacher. This is a significant event because my form teacher had taught me about the importance of being responsibility. Since I will be taking my major examination this year and will determine which secondary school I will be going for next year. The second life event is during O level Examination. The people that are involved in this life…
In this novella, John Steinbeck used four short stories to portray how a naïve young boy transformed into a man through his encounters with different unfortunate events. These harsh truths brought young Jody out of his fantasy perfect world and showed him the tough reality of life. Through these various events, he has learnt what disappointment is, what death and life is and how life does not always go his way. He also learnt that despite all these negative aspects of life, these were exactly…
As kids most of us had some kinds of fears: darkness, heights, or bogeyman. I was really afraid to lose my parents in the grocery store, street market, or at some other crowded places. That fear was terrifying. Because all of us, Russian kids, were well informed about Black Bear on wooden legs which is collecting lost kids. You can laugh at me now. But it would not be so funny if you would know all details about that creature. Sitters at kindergarten provided that information to us. About time…
Everyone has faced situations where we don´t know how to act and respond, so we stop, take a deep breath and start thinking “What would Super-someone have done in my situation?” Nearly every one of us has had someone we look up to, it can be a friend, a family member or someone famous, and these figures are important as their actions inspire us and it has a great impact in our lives. For me is no exception as I have also faced this situations, and I will share who is that person I think about,…
The Best Novel Deserve Award Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry The idea of literary prizes come from the Nobel Prizes in 1901. Literary prizing has been surrounded in its sales, and in an advertisment, not always for the production of Literature. The prizes of children's literature affected and have multiple features for cultural practices. During the eighteenth century, John Newbery, the Medal has been awarded annually to 'the most distinguished contribution to American literature for…