Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
The idea of literary prizes come from the Nobel Prizes in 1901. Literary prizing has been surrounded in its sales, and in an advertisment, not always for the production of Literature.
The prizes of children's literature affected and have multiple features for cultural practices.
During the eighteenth century, John Newbery, the Medal has been awarded annually to 'the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children published in the United States.
Though the Medal not as cash prize, it can increase the sales of a book, as well as increases sales of the author's other books.
The Medal as a main object attempts to discover what the more advantages that children …show more content…
The Language of this novel is local language, colloquial and natural, such as the land on which they live. Cassie tells us the novel by using first-person view. She has an attractive interaction to the story and she speaks the language of adults, and she uses rational words like a serious woman. There is an important point in this novel, for example, there is a truth of life's home to the Logan family and how they teach children by their families. The novel is rich in events and worthiness, and it is easy to understand its significance and symbolism, coincidences and topics which are very important to the value of the novel, and it represents a significant meaning to the nature of Logan family life in the novel, for example, the Logan's land represents life for them and it is a powerful symbol of the novel. The weather also plays a big role because the title of the novel represents thunder and it is symbolized by the arrival of the rain, or even anger coming from the sky and the cry of pain and injustice. According to the aforementioned, the sophistication of the theme in the novel supports the suggestion that it deserves to be nominated for the award.
Language is a powerful element in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. It talks about history, to assert characters identity .Taylor draws attention of how the words used as a force for good thing as well as depending on how the speaker chooses …show more content…
It deals with universal themes of childhood, like growing up; not understanding the grown ups; and trying to figure out your place in the world. And, like all good young adult books, it has a major coming-of-age plot.
Coming of Age
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a sort of transitional coming-of-age story, meaning that we don't see Cassie totally grow up. Remember: she's only nine years old, and we only see one year of her young life. Cassie learns some pretty tough lessons for someone so young, like how to pick her battles and how to navigate the dangerous waters of black-white relationships. But, she's still got a long way to go before she even hits those teenage years.
Taylor doesn't need to shout at us about her message of racial injustice, because the events speak for themselves. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry uses relatively simple language to tell a very weighty story about racism, injustice and inequality in the Depression-era American South. Keep in mind that Cassie, our narrator, is only nine years old. So, while some of her language is a bit more complex than we might expect from someone her age, it should cause no major problems for students from about sixth grade on