Mildred D. Taylor uses Simile to stir character motivation grabbing the reader's attention. This is shown in multiple …show more content…
But it brought them closer as a family. Nothing could divide them from not only one another, but the land because they owned it rightfully , and they deserved it. This was described with symbolism and the fight that they a had to go through to grab the reader's attention. The town in “Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry” was nothing more than terrible. The conditions that people had to live in were not only just in this town for a couple of years but decades. Have you ever been called something just because of how you look or what religion you practice? What would this world have been if racism was a thing, would the millions of jews or salves changed this world and find a cure for something like cancer? Well we can't change the past, but we can change the future. Joining an organization for some people is hard enough, but what someone like you can do is just simply stop saying racist slurs. Because one person can make a big