Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Analysis

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“There are things you can't back down on, things you gotta take a stand on. But it's up to you to decide what them things are. You have to demand respect in this world, ain't nobody just gonna hand it to you. How you carry yourself, what you stand for--that's how you gain respect. But, little one, ain't nobody's respect worth more than your own,” (Taylor, 134). Cassie Logan starts off naive, young, and oblivious to the world around her. She goes to school and gets racist books, then says she doesn't want them when she shows her teacher the crude writing on the inside cover only to get beating in front of the class. Cassie then gets her arm twisted by a grown white man, has tricked little Lilly Jean, and sees TJ fall down a dark abyss of a life path. In Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor there are both static and dynamic characters, one of which is named Cassie who out develops the rest by learning the importance of family, bravery and self respect, and love when maturing into a harsh reality of degradation. …show more content…
For example, the role Cassie’s mother plays in her life. She supports change and a better future. She also doesn’t stand by and accept things the way they are. For example, “she had trimmed the paper to the size of the books and was now dipping a gray-looking glue from the brown bottle onto the inside cover of one of the books,”(Taylor, 30). Even if doing what’s right in the end, means sacrificing yourself or someone else’s feelings like when Big Ma makes Cassie apologize to Lilly Jean. It was just to protect her, which is good for Cassie and helps her mature to the end. "Big Ma didn't want you hurt. That was the only thing on her mind." (Taylor,

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