in Hong Kong. As a meeting place between China and the West for more than one and a half centuries, Hong Kong has witnessed different modes of language contact. Under a high degree of extensive contact with each…
The Hong Kong Umbrella Protests Seventeen years ago Hong Kong was passed from British rule over to China. China vowed in the Hong Kong Joint-Declaration to operate under the policy of “one country, two systems.” The agreement was recently broken when the Chinese government located in the capital, Beijing, ordered that they would weed out the candidates that could and could not run for the 2017 election in Hong Kong. This proclamation has sparked nonviolent protesting not only in Hong Kong but…
The Differences and Similarities Between Chinese Culture(HK) and Western Culture(UK) No one will argue about Hong Kong is a multiculturalism city. Hong Kong was once colonized by the United Kingdom for over a century. At present, Chinese Culture of Hong Kong was already deeply influenced by other western culture, especially from Britain. From Language, Cuisine, Pop Culture, Literature, Architecture to Wedding style. Culture is the soul of every country, unique and sublime. As Gencel (n.d.) once…
Is the foreign domestic helper/worker and integral part to the Hong Kong family? Introduction: Hong Kong, the city that never sleeps, shadowing a thriving economy and rigid workforce system. As the years have gone by Hong Kong has created several job opportunities, from sweeping the streets, to being an investment banker. It is undisputed that people pursue job opportunities everywhere, these people, even include, parents. Parents have responsibilities when it comes to family, providing for…
Multicultural states are often unsuccessful. It faces problems of social cohesion, conflict, and even violence. Assimilation seems like more successful than multiculturalism. Historical evidence, such as black life issues, protests, anti-Muslim sentiment, anger against undocumented immigrants, seems to support this conclusion and increase the belief that multiculturalism damages a social or community mind. Multiculturalism is also damaging the international system. For example, there are many…
investigation is on the Hong Kong Handover, which is about the transfer of Hong Kong from British rule to Chinese rule. The question I will analyze is “To what extent did Hong Kong retain its original government immediately after the Hong Kong handover in 1996?” The method I will use to answer this question is by researching facts about the government before and after 1997 and analyzing what changed or stayed the same. In this section, I will investigate two sources: Hong Kong Government…
collection and high level thinking skills, research is carried out to compare and contrast two Asian megacities. In particular, this city report presents the differences and similarities between Hong Kong and Tokyo with respect to cultural orientations, economics configurations, environmental issues, population demographics, and religion as well as socio-political culture. Geographical Locations and Demographic Profiles Hong Kong is an eastern Asia megacity on China’s southern coast. It is…
Apart from achieving goals by cheating on exams, I have been protesting in Hong Kong ‘s Occupy Central revolution. Occupy Central is a civil disobedience movement which began in September 2014. My deviant action as a protestor in the revolution can be explained through Marxist-based concept of conflict. We acts defiantly to change our conditions, change the social structure that engendered our circumstances. We want the right to nominate and directly elect the head of the Hong Kong government.…
Why be on the tail end of the train when you can lead the way? 6. Many of your business dealings may be taking place in China already and the lack of translation is leading to errors that are avoidable. The China Law Blog recently noted that many millions of dollars are wasted every year on silly miscommunications because documents are not clearly translated. The commented that there are a “whole slew of mediocre translators in China who will give their bosses a bad translation rather than…
political leading to the French president not attending the first opening. Disney learnt from the French mistakes which and was able to incorporate their core culture into the Chinese culture with less difficulties. When it came to service orientation, personnel management and training practices was considered a norm. Asia’s interest in Western culture combined with the love of fantasy costumes was a key success and benefited everyone. Products such as souvenirs were a part of the experience in…