research report 1) A communist government is a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy. It is powered by a single, authoritarian party who deems that all goods are equally shared by the people. In this system, the central authority dictates the incomes and quantity of production which is then distributed equally to everyone in the given society, ensuring that everyone remains in the same social and financial class. For this to occur, the government ultimately owns all business meaning that no one is able to run their own business or produce their own goods in order to earn money. This system of government, however, proves to have its negatives. In a communist society where the same amounts of funds are…
Comparison between an Islamic state and a Communist state. Islamic State The basic principles of Islam are that human beings must, individually and collectively, surrender all rights of lordship, legislation and exercising of authority over others. The main characteristics of an Islamic state are God is the ultimate sovereign: God alone is the real sovereign; all others are merely his subjects. No person, class or group, not even the entire population of the state as a whole, can lay claim to…
and blacks. This idea was promoted in the Communist party, and as a result, Wright was drawn to Communist ideals. Wallach states, “He was inspired by certain elements of their message and dared believe in the possibility of interracial cooperation, even though his years in the Jim Crow South had shown him little evidence that such a thing could be possible” (52). With this attraction to an interracial world, Wright was urged by fellow writers to join the political party, and upon doing so, the…
earning a decent living based on their education and training will find tremendous appeal in the “to each according to their need” part of the Marxist slogan (Marx). If they need something, that will be provided by the state. Who would not subscribe to this philosophy if they were at the receiving end of such a philosophy’s generosity. Any ideology that proposes to end the injustices of inequality, especially the injustices perceived by the underprivileged, will attract a lot of adherents.…
Finian conducted unconventional warfare (UW) activities against the Communist party by working with and through local Burmese. He recruited like-minded locals with an anti-communist ideology. He looked for people with personality traits suitable for conducting clandestine operations. He first developed his driver U Tien. He assessed U Tien’s motivations, ideology, and reliability through a series of tests. In one instance, Father Finian left his briefcase unsecured with U Tien to test his…
The writings of intellectuals Vavclav Havel, Adam Michnik, and Gyorgy Konrad provide ways of responding to communist regimes by explaining their own philosophies. Havel focuses his theory on a more philosophical approach that focuses on how one act of bravery can cause a wave of change to a population. Michnik provides an analytic approach critiquing the idea that violence is to respond to a communist regime. Michnik and Havel are similar in their ideas because they both adamantly support the…
This dissertation will answer the question “How do human rights in communist countries compare to human rights in democratic countries?” To answer this main question, a few sub questions will be explored. What are the governments’ ideas about human rights? What human rights are protected by natural laws? What human rights are protected by positivist laws? The research design used for this project is a qualitative case study. This research design best accommodates the purpose of this study,…
As a result, the American government implemented ways of abolishing any communist sympathizers by attempting to stop their ideas from spreading. These organizations confined many Americans, even those who were not involved. The organizations began to ban people in Hollywood and restrict movies, in fear that the American people would intrust in certain communist ideas that went against America’s democracy. Regardless of the ways they attempted to abolish communism, their endeavor was indisputably…
Donald Lewis, a scholar of comparative politics, communism can be reached through a dictatorship where the proletariat class rules and utilizes force freely on the ruled people . These two definitions highlight the dissimilarity between the two regimes. Under democracy, when citizens are represented, their voices are heard. One example of democracy at work is the Declaration of Independence, which gave an outcome of certain “inalienable rights” to the people to ensure their individual freedom…
long been debated. How, if ever, will China change gears toward becoming a democratic society? Since World War I, many countries in Eastern Europe and Asia were met with a tremendous change in political climate as their communist regimes collapsed and citizens prepared to uphold the victory of democratic values. This, understandably, brought about much curiosity about a potential future fall of the Chinese communist party and China’s future prospects for a functional liberal Democracy. One of…