have in a day the sun splits it into two halves; Night and day. However the path of they sun is always changing and is never the same. Just like any other star it rises in the east and sets in the west. As time goes by you begin noticing the sun changes its exact paths. The sun’s path through the sky is farther north in June and farther south in December (the sun and the seasons, 2010). Around the end of March and September the sun’s path goes along the celestial equator. Then it rises east and sets in the west. After that the sun’s path constantly shifts to the north. At the time of the June solstice the sun rises to the north of the east and sets to the north of the west. After this the sun continues to shift back to the September/ March equinox. It then moves along to the December solstice. During the December solstice the sun rises to the south…
In Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, the rites of Spring are encapsulated by the Melbourne Cup Carnival, which is held each year from mid September through the first weekend of November. Melbourne is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, especially in the springtime when the entire community comes alive. At times, it seems as though everything in and around the city is designed to build like a crescendo towards the world famous Melbourne Cup horse race. About the Melbourne Cup Carnival…
It is reported that 2016 Chevy Equinox appears in the market with surprise features and characteristics. The people who love to go to a large compact crossover vehicle love this find perfect. The automotive industry is growing very fast and innovation adopted by the automotive companies. The appearance of this model to bring certain changes in the market since company aimed to equip this model with the best properties. The possible functions of the forthcoming model include forward-spacious…
2.3.2 Case Study – The Equinox Scarborough, (Scarborough, 2009) Summary The Equinox development is a 3.14 acre site, and was originally vacant without any road access in the core of the Scarborough Centre. Scarborough Centre is primarily a business and civic district today; it is an emerging growth centre anticipating dense residential and mixed-use development. Surrounding the site include: an office building; the Scarborough Centre Rapid Transit Station; the Scarborough Town Centre Shopping…
The time period referred to as pre-Columbian North America can be traced back to aline great importance with the sun, in terms of the Native Americans' beliefs. As most people know, Native Americans were extremely close to nature and placed great value upon the sun. One Native American myth states that there was an eagle that would open its wings to allow the sun to shine and close them to create night. While there are many different beliefs and theories from the different tribe, there is an…
wanted another SUV and wanted it to be a Chevrolet as she felt most comfortable with this brand. We checked out a 2015 Chevy Trax and a 2017 Chevy Equinox. Then, we had to compare and contrast them by the size, features, and price. But in the end, we had to make a choice. Now, when it comes to SUVs one of things I think about is the size. The car salesman started telling us about a 2015 Chevy Trax. He made the car seem to be big and luxurious. When we looked at the car, it was so tiny. I…
#CommitToSomething is a campaign from Equinox, a very successful luxury fitness company. Addressing current cultural issues and expressing that commitment is powerful enough to define who you are in the most intimate and deepest sense was Equinox's intentions on their 2017 ad campaign. Considering the is full of bold photos from a publicly breastfeeding mother to the cultivation of cannabis, the campaign has gained backlash, subsequently branding their campaign as controversial. One of the…
In the world of the ancient Maya there were many sacred days, most often associated with celestial events. But none perhaps more widely celebrated than the Spring and Fall Equinox at the ancient site of Chichén Itza in central Yucatan.Each year thousands of pilgrims and curiosity seekers flock to the nearly six square miles of national park ruins to watch a phenomena that was carefully mapped by ancient architects and astronomers. On the day of both the vernal equinox and the autumnal equinox…
As the Earth travels in its nearly circular orbit around the sun, it maintains a constant axial tilt of 23.4 degrees. This tilt causes the proximity of the northern and southern hemispheres of the globe to change during its annual trip around our local star. These changes in proximity and their impact on the amount of solar energy received by the northern and southern hemispheres are what causes the Earth to have seasons. As the incline of Earth’s axis brings the northern hemisphere closer to…
Represented by the floor tiles, a circle within a square is shown. Heaven represented by the circle and the Earth by the square. In a plan view the Pantheon forms a circle within a square. The oculus was the interiors only source of light. The sunlight traced a daily path across the floors and walls inside the rotunda. The sunlight marked solar events, lunar events, and time. The Sun is a great characteristic to the symbolism of the Roman religion. The proportion and sunlight united together…