things to help understand the world and how it works. One of those remarkable scholars was Eratosthenes of Cyrene who lived to be about eighty-two years old. Eratosthenes was born in Greece in a colony known as Cyrene now days called Shahhat, Lybia. He later on moved to live and work in the city of Alexandria. Eratosthenes was a man who excelled in many fields of studies such as geography, mathematics, history, poetry and others. Many of the works that Eratosthenes…
Eratosthenes was a Greek mathematician, poet, and astronomer, but he is most famously known for being the first person to make a measurement for the size of the Earth. Over 2000 years ago, at the city of Syene, the sun’s rays fell upon a temple column casting a shadow, (1). The scientist noticed that as the sun reached midday, the shadow would not be casted since the sun was directly over the column. However, 800 kilometers to the north in the city of Alexandria, at the same moment at noon,…
Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician, geographer, and astronomer, was born c276 BC in Cyrene and died c194 BC. Cyrene, modern day Libya, was during time the center of knowledge and Eratosthenes received training in certain course at a young age. After receiving training in Cyrene, Eratosthenes traveled to Athens where he expanded his knowledge. During his time in Athens, he learned from and worked under many great mathematicians. Eratosthenes then traveled to Alexandria where he spent most of…
Eratosthenes was a geographer, mathematician, astronomer and historian; he was born in the Greek colony Cyrene, now the city of Shahhat, Libya. With his skills in a range of areas he invented a system of longitude and latitude and made a map of the world that was known at the time, the first to calculate the Earth’s axis, a calculated distance from the earth to the moon and to the sun and made a catalog of 675 stars. The measurement of the Earth’s circumference was calculated using the natural…
LYSIAS I.22-27: MAKING A MURDERER JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE WORD COUNT (QUOTED GREEK TEXT IN FOOTNOTES): 1,078. The pivotal murder scene of Lysias’ On the Murder of Eratosthenes, described in 1.22-27, is one of the most carefully constructed passages in the speech. Andrew Wolpert praised it in 2001 as a “rhetorical masterpiece in self-fashioning”. Euphiletos, the speech giver, defends himself against the charge of murdering Eratosthenes by arguing that it was a justifiable homicide; according to…
Geometry and Eratosthenes In Professor Russ physical science class, there’s a plethora of subjects you, as a student, are bound to cover. This semester we had discuss over twenty different fields of science; the first being Geometry and Eratosthenes computing circumference of earth. We started the final semester off with two worksheets. The first was the “Angles of a Triangle”, we had to cut out the three angles of the triangle and piece them together in a shape. The three angles form a…
This story is about the trail of Euphiletos who is been incriminated for the killing of Eratosthenes after he caught him and his wife committing adultery. Euphiletos committed the murder in front of witnesses and he has to prove that he didn’t plan the murder but acted legally instead. To achieve this he needs to explain his live before the murder and the murder itself to the jury. He does this by painting picture of an ordinary man in his speech and this gives the reader the history the…
Eratosthenes was a Hellenistic mathematician who lived during 276 - 195 B.C. He was born in Cyrene, Greece, which is now known as present-day Libya. He embarked on a journey to Athens, where he continued his studies. Around 240 BC, shortly following the death of the previous librarian, Eratosthenes became a librarian at the esteemed Library of Alexandria. He was such a well-rounded scholar that his colleagues gave the nickname “Pentathlos”. The nickname had a connotation of being balanced and…
This paper will discuss the case of Euphiletus and how he got put to trial for killing the man his wife was having relations with. Euphiletus testifies that the letter of the law protects a man if he does find his wife in bed with another man and out of anger kills him. On the other hand, the spirit of the law says, because Euphiletus took five days to actually commit the murder the letter of the law does not apply to his case. Through Euphiletus court testimony he has given proof to prove that…
Mathematics: The Greatest Legacy from Ancient Greece to the Modern World The greatest legacy of Ancient Greece to the modern world is mathematics. Ancient Greece was the source of great mathematicians like Archimedes, Pythagoras, Euclid and Eratosthenes who provided the modern world with a strong base to the knowledge we have today. They gave the modern world hydrostatics, the volume of a sphere and the calculation of pi which is used to design impressive sea vessels, industrial tanks and…