In modern times there are many things that help us figure things out. Things that range from technology, rules, equations, previous discoveries and so on, but in the times of Aristotle there was not much of that. There were many inspired scholars that worked to discover and invent things to help understand the world and how it works. One of those remarkable scholars was Eratosthenes of Cyrene who lived to be about eighty-two years old. Eratosthenes was born in Greece in a colony known as Cyrene now days called Shahhat, Lybia. He later on moved to live and work in the city of Alexandria. Eratosthenes was a man who excelled in many fields of studies such as geography, mathematics, history, poetry and others. Many of the works that Eratosthenes…
With the advance of technology there is a new form of survey that is creating a lot of debate. It is called Coordinate based Cadastre. A GPS/GNSS based system of survey. In today’s world of surveying the debate is, whether to stay with the tried and true methods that are in place today for surveying, or do adapt and embrace the ever advancing new technology in the form of a coordinate based cadaster. This debate is being felt all over the world. Many provinces in Canada and other countries of…
As a new member of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, I have been assigned to do a GPS survey and a GIS analysis of the Kennedy Valley Trail (Sam Rayson Valley Trail) for the purpose of the development of the trail as there are no amenities in the trail. To get a general idea of how things are placed in a trail, I did a pre-survey on the trail west of Kennedy Rd. (Etobicoke Creek Trail) and found that it was quite undeveloped as well. Below is the data of how many light posts there…
Skills that are needed to take care of ourselves are diminishing. Reliance on high-tech gadgets allow people to get the answer without the necessary skills needed to get it. GPS, medical monitors and cell phones all contribute to the important skills diminishing. First, with GPS devices we no longer need to learn how to navigate or read a map. All you need is the address or coordinates for where you want to go and the GPS can give you directions and in some cases even navigate you, turn to…
Materials and Methods The sampling of the Gambusia holbrooski was done in Hennington Pond at FIU. The class was divided into five groups each tasked with obtaining thirty samples of mosquitofish. These samples were obtained randomly using a landing net and a bucket of water that contained water from the pond to put the fish. The collected fish were measured and their length recorded (in mm) from the apex of the lower jaw towards the posterior end. The measurement was done using a small ruler…
I took over three college-prep U.S. History classes, one English as a Second Language (ESL) U.S. History class, and team-taught an Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History class. When I joined the AP U.S. History class, the course was essentially finished because the AP test had been taken, and students were working on final projects. The college-prep and ESL classes , on the other hand, had decades of content to cover from post World War II to the 1960s in the college-prep classes, and early…
When I first heard about the Oral History project I did not know what to expect. After reading the assignment in more detail, I was excited to start the project. I immediately knew I would pick my mother for the project. She is my best friend and I wanted to learn more about her growing up with such a big family. After going over the assignment, I called my mother and asked if she would participate in the project and she said yes. I was delighted to hear her say that because I instantly started…
In 1989, at the University of Toronto, Olwen H. Hufton gave a lecture series as part of the Creighton Lecture series, given in memory of Canadian historian Donald Creighton. Hufton later published these lectures as Women and the Limits of Citizenship in the French Revolution. Prior to her shift towards women’s history in the 1980s, Hufton was primarily interested in poverty and social relations; her previous books focused on social history and political history, one of which attempted to place…
sees’ the experience to stored memories inside us. Social memories are what make others remember the events that have taken place. Neither from the historical event to modern times the proven through the essence of memories it had left little fragments behind. Leaving its footprint along a time passage way makes ones seek an identities especially in today societies. In modern times today, around the world large scales of multicultural people want to know what happen. Where did this came from?…
History is a composition of past events. It is real and honest. However, the materials used by historians (which are called sources) to study history are only records of history, so they need not to be absolutely true and unbiased. If a group of scholars were to evaluate a set of clues surrounding a play, they would mainly use texts and written records of the play and all these evidences are considered sources which therefore need to be carefully examined before put into use. To these scholars,…