Creative nonfiction

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    After reading your work from Essay Workshop and Advanced Creative Nonfiction, the subject matter is expected and concerned with reaching beyond what some might only see as simple, ugly, or undesirable. The specificity of your intention in examining Clarion and its culture is articulated well and with confidence. I think your plan on having the narrative told out of chronological order, showcasing scenes of the past, present, and eventually one in the future is a wonderful creative choice for this kind of nonfiction piece. The creative possibilities in such a technique I think will showcase and juxtapose growth, tone, and character development within the characters and the setting itself throughout the narrative in an effective and profound way that could be lost if simply left linear. The non-chronological order is much more ambitious and circular in how the chapters and character beats relate to one another on a thematic and personal level. There are many ways to observe the “strange and melancholic” nature of your Clarion hometown and given how specific your writing schedule looks I see that you are covering all bases. It’s a little intimidating, but I have no doubt you’re up for the task. Also, the notion of…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    When initially starting the nonfiction section, it took me, several classes, to decide what topic I was going to consider writing about for this assignment. However, throughout the unit and with the guidance of numerous effective exercises I narrowed down my topics and instantly started to write. However, as I wrote my creative nonfiction, my writing appeared quite dull with few images and details describing the setting. Consequently, as I revised my creative nonfiction, I started to add…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    I remember starting this creative writing class thinking I didn’t have any story to tell or share and wondered how I was going to pass the class, since I knew what I was getting myself into. I actually just hoped for the best. As class progressed and we read Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg book, I was hooked. It was such a magical book. Everytime I opened it, I was transported into a coveted world of writers, full with secrets only writers know and I felt welcomed to know those…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Know Your Writing Mission Choosing a type of writing that is close to your heart, provides you with a purpose or a mission. Whether it is widely known or not, every writer has a mission. For some it is fiction, and for others, nonfiction. With a firmly established mission, you write with more zeal. When trying to find your mission, write what you prefer (fiction, nonfiction or both), not what others think you should write. Only you can decide the direction of your writing, its meaning or…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    personal narrative that she decided to include muddled it. When she was writing about creative nonfiction, she focused in on issues of truth and how to address family in your writing, especially loved ones that aren’t present anymore. However when she did write on these topics in the essay, they were full of examples. Short quotes and excerpts form other author’s work were constantly thrown in as supporting details for her purpose, but the information came so fast that it was hard to focus on…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The book Zeitoun indeed has useful and accurate information about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. This novel is an example of creative nonfiction. Creative Nonfiction are true stories that are well told. The “creative” aspect refers to the literary craft of the piece, and the “nonfiction” refers to piece being factual. Zeitoun is the perfect example of this genre because it written from the perspective of Kathy and Abdulrahman Zeitoun, and their accounts of the aftermath of Hurricane…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Perseverance is “continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition,” according to Merriam-Webster: Dictionary and Thesaurus. Many characters in this book persevere as they try to figure out how to deal with what life throws at them. In the novel Trouble, the main character, Henry, has his older brother hit and killed by Chay in an accident. Chay is a Cambodian immigrant who attends Henry’s school, and gets bullied because of his cultural differences.…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays


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    spent countless hours at arcades, and nearly failed high school in the process. Although this seems like an easy enough start to a famous developer’s life, Tajiri did not have it as simple as it seems. Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, Tajiri has lived his life on the higher end of the autism spectrum. To clarify, those with autism are defined by “social impairment, communication difficulties, and restrictive, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior” (NINDS). Asperger’s is high…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Perseverance In The Hobbit

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    • 6 Pages

    In every person's life journey there will be hardships, and only if they persevere and trust in God will they succeed in life. Perseverance is something the dwarf company showed throughout The Hobbit book. Just like the Jews of the Holocaust and even dating back to the Jews in ancient Bible times, the dwarves survived a tragedy. Only through extreme perseverance did the dwarf company and Jews survive. This perseverance is what every person would need to get through life. Only in the complete…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    History is filled with examples of perseverance, because rarely to people achieve greatness without it. Nelson Mandela is a great example of perseverance he spent 27 years in prisons for his cause “in prison, he became an inspirational leader and symbol for his people”(Stutman). Despite being sent to jail, Mandela did not give up instead he continued to inspire others while incarcerated, and continued his work after his release. Walt Disney too is an example of perseverance that changed the…

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