The concrete core was installed by contractor Halliburton in order to seal the well. The seal was supposed to withstand certain amounts of pressure caused by surges of pressure. Due to the amount of pressure the concrete had to withstand the concrete had to meet certain standards. However, in a series of released documents leaked by the WikiLeaks group it was discovered that an incident similar to the BP oil spill had occurred on another rig in the Caspian Sea in September 2008 which was also owned by the BP oil company. It was found that both the cores from the Caspian Sea as well as the Gulf spills were likely too weak to withstand the pressure. It was found that the cores were too weak due to an engineering flaw when curing the concrete. Engineers in an effort to save time on the project moved to accelerate the curing process. In order to accelerate the process nitrogen gas was added to the concrete mixture. The nitrogen gas expedited the curing process however there was a cost the came with the accelerated curing. The cores produced using the accelerated process were found to be too weak to withstand certain pressure surges caused by the surfacing…
Bacchus the nymph shows up to perform a "far wilder" dance with his Maenads at the Fords of Beruna (Prince Caspian 207) His dance is productive. It generates a feast including Bacchus 's own specialty, wine: "dark thick ones like syrups of mulberry juice, and clear red ones like red jellies liquefied, and yellow wines and green wines and yellowy-green and greenish-yellow" (205). The actions of music and dance are metonymy for a life full of playful yet serious endeavors and pleasure is amongst…
he tells me his name, Prince Caspian, and he then asks me my name. I have never thought about a name for myself, and other people call me a thief or a bandit. Promptly, I think of a name for myself, from all my kills, most of them named were named William. William, that 's it, I will call myself William. As I tell Caspian my name he begins to gain a significant amount of interest, does he know someone else named William? Does he think I stole their name? After, he just nods approvingly then…
"Yashiro Shrine is dedicated to Watatsumi-no-Mikoto, god of the sea. […] the inhabitants should be devout worshippers of this god. They are forever praying for calm seas…" (4, par. 2, chp.1) The islanders are so gracious for the ocean, that they made a shrine of a sea god to represent the seas that surround the island. The islanders have been devoted to their faith in order to receive a sense of reassurance. They pray in hopes to please the sea god that they worship in order to gain pleasant…
Dangers of Plastic Can Rings Over 100,000 marine creatures die per year due to improper disposal of plastic six-pack rings. (Plastic Statistics 2012) Great numbers of these plastic rings are littered each day, serving as a dangerous threat to the Earth. They are provoking pollution, as well as killing off dozens of species. Actions need to be taken to prevent this. 800 billion pounds of trash fill the oceans. (Harrison 2015)A large contributor to this amount of this garbage is soda can rings.…
Adrift in a Moral Sea Life often throws people some difficult challenges where there ends up being more than one right course of action. Everyone has their own different morals that they have acquired through out their life and this helps them decide which ethical perspective that they believe in. One instance, of where you can look at multiple ethical perspectives to solve a problem comes from the essay “Lifeboat Ethics” by Garrett Harden, which is about being shipwrecked in the middle of the…
consciousness(99)” . The island throws obstacles at these children and they have no other choice then to change from the innocent juveniles into ruthless savages. This displays an example of how the island is changing jack, he feels as if he needs to lose the qualities that the outside society has helped him develop,u and become this savage. Being confined on an Island makes him emphasize which traits is best fit for his search of a way of this island. Prospero’s influence over the narrative,…
particles into the ocean. Most of the sources of the marine pollution are land base activities. Marine pollution has numerous effects on marine animals, plants and human. Therefore, it is important to understand the cause and effect of the ocean pollution, and what people can do to solve this problem. The source of marine pollution is plentiful, about eighty percent of them come from land-based activities. Some enter the ocean directly, some pollute ocean indirectly. The first pollutant that…
As time’s clock runs its course, we often find ourselves nostalgic of times that could have been or were. Staring out across an ocean, laughing around a table filled with close friends, or taking a long walk at night humans seek reflection and question if we have proven ourselves worthy. Similar to Walcott in his poem, people begin to reflect when faced with reminders of their past. The magnitude of the narrator’s experience is clearly portrayed in his nostalgic tone and repetition of…
“Dover Beach”: In his “Dover Beach,” Matthew Arnold employs images related to the ocean to establish a theme relating to the cyclical nature of human life. Specifically, he refers to the continuation of misery throughout an individual’s life. This allusion to cycles is supported throughout the poem through the use of tidal imagery. For example, he refers to the French coast and how “the light gleams and is gone” (3-4) This is significant as light often works as a symbol of hope. Therefore, this…