In the article, “Yes, Money Can Make You Happy,” Cass R. Sunstein, a professor at Harvard Law, breaks down and summarizes psychology professor Elizabeth Dunn and associate professor of business administration Michael Norton’s “Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending.” In Sunstein’s attempt to illuminate individuals and their perception of money, he applies Dunn and Norton’s most pertinent gathered intelligence into this article. In a society where capitol is often anticipated as a hideous commodity whose existence has only compromised humans’ morality; Sunstein takes it upon himself to introduce and inform readers of the beneficial affects money can have, including an increase in happiness. In his work, Sunstein expressed a personal belief…
This leads me to wonder if Bill Bishop 's The Big Sort, Cass Sunstein 's Going to Extremes, and Johnathan Haidt 's The Rightous Mind ideas of the desire to surround ourselves with likeminded people which leads to partisanship are true and American Public Square is only working against itself. In Bishop 's The Big Sort the main topic is the geographic clustering of like-minded people. When American Public Square hosts events in Kansas City it is unlikely attendants come from outside of the…
Sunstein explains in his article Rumor Cascades and Group Polarization the social behavior added into a rumor and how quickly in spreads an informational cascade. A cascade is something (information) is continuously and has successfully passed on. An informational cascade is spread by giving information on something people aren't very familiar with making the informer knowledgeable about the information. The informer can also give false information and people will believe even if they have their…
money is almost always necessary in order to purchase them. In his essay "Yes, Money Can Make You Happy" author Cass R. Sunstein theorizes that if the average person is given three options... a new car, remodeling your house, or having a dream vacation, that in the long run taking a vacation and the lead up to taking it will give more satisfaction and long-term happiness than a car or any material item for that matter. From his viewpoint money may not be the route of happiness, but I disagree.…
Although technology has greatly increased our ability to communicate and to communicate freely, it has also, as Cass Sunstein points out, "greatly increased people’s ability to “filter” what they want to read, see, and hear." In other words, technology has facilitated our wishes to view opinions that we find favorable. Naturally aiming to find happiness through pleasure, we are not as compelled to seek out materials the challenge, frustrate, or upset us. In the harm principle, Mill assumes…
dysfunctional because its members are so focused on the likeminded beliefs of their prideful groups instead of being focused on the process of fixing government issues and approving policies. Although tribalism affects government officials it affects American citizens as well. Cass R. Sunstein author of “How Facebook Makes Us Dumber” uses data from a study that proves that social media users create “Communities of like-minded people” that discuss the same thought and viewpoints. These…
social reality for the business that will help them make money. Counter Argument Two Cass Sunstein states a theory that the more filtering of content that is available on the Internet the more isolated audience members become because they are limiting their own exposure to ideas, topics, and discussion that may not align with their own individual mindset (2001). This theory is actually an expansion of a theory laid out by William Julius Wilson (1987, 1991, and 1996) as he explained how…
effect. Meaning, people will only hold onto the rumor even tighter because of fear or insecurity. Cass R. Sunstein knows this can be the case, stating in his book “On Rumors” that “[f]alse rumors are especially troublesome; they impose real damage on individuals and institutions, and they often resist correction” (Sunstein). He doesn’t clearly define “troublesome” but leads the reader to believe it is of something that would cause worry or concern. In Rodriguez’s article Sunstein is used to…
thought, many parallels can be drawn between the two. The authors, Michael Schudson and Cass Sunstein, have both pondered citizens versus consumers through their writing. While Schudson simply compares the two in, “The Troubling Equivalence of Citizen and Consumer,” Sunstein brings the influence of social media into his chapter, “Citizens”. The internet has diminished the differences between citizens and consumers. How does social media shape the environment for citizens versus consumers? Social…
Sunstein, a legal scholar who is the head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, contributes his views on the recanting rumors. He states in his book, “When people believe rumors, the believers are often perfectly rational, in the sense that their belief is quite sensible in light of their existing knowledge” (Sunstein 2). Sunstein argues that once a rumor is received and adopted, recanting the rumor to reveal the actual truth could actually do more harm than good…