Josh Villaflor Phil 110 Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence the advancement of human technology that allows a machine to achieve what living organism have a conscious. Immediately the thought of machines with a conscious of a human is straight from science fictions, as bring people to both sides of the argument on if we should advance to allow machines to have a conscious or no we shouldn't as it is the act of having machines should not be able to be on par with humans beings. Many have seen the movie, The Matrix as the movie premise is that we as humans have created machines that had artificial intelligence took over the human society and created events that led to having the creator of the machines to be in fear of…
Artificial Intelligence in Computers. Artificial intelligence (AL) can be described as a process that the computer can exhibit decision-making process. It is a field in computer science that is of a great interest and countless experiments are conducted all over the world by scholars. In our daily work we use some components of artificial intelligence which is not so fascinating for all of us now, but few decades ago it was a beyond imagination experiment. At today’s concept, computers can…
faster and more accurately more than humanity. What is it? It is artificial intelligence. When people go to a movie theater, they can easily notice various films based on artificial intelligence. In the past, almost all movies which were dealing with artificial intelligence on humans contained a battle to take over the world between human and computer. In those movies, people’s threats on artificial intelligence were reflected and amplified more and more. However, according to movies regarding…
powerful but artificial intelligence can become just as powerful and be more dominant. Artificial intelligence (AI) are slowly becoming a part of our everyday lives. Powerful developments are creating smart computer systems. Computer systems are becoming self-managed such as “dumb” computers will become more intelligent because “autonomic computing” will replace it. In addition, the public needs to keep up with technology to stay productive and relevant in the world. It is very simple for a…
The Technology Revolution: Why Artificial Intelligence Will Surpass Human Intelligence Technological advancements are nothing new to the twenty-first century. The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is the most innovative accomplishment in modern technology. This intelligence is used in almost every technology sold on the market today, and engineers have only scratched the surface of what machines can do. Allowing these advancements to continue will not only diminish the requirement for human…
INTRODUCTION: Artificial intelligence (AI, also machine intelligence, MI) is intelligence exhibited by machines, rather than humans or other animals (natural intelligence, NI). In computer science, the field of AI research defines itself as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that…
AI Sample 1 While the concept of artificial intelligence is ancient, appearing in Greek mythology and others [1], the field of artificial intelligence, or AI, was not founded until 1956 during a conference at Darmouth College [2]. Early attempts at artificial intelligence includes W. Grey Walter’s robot turtles and the Johns Hopkins Beast. Both operated with physical sensors that allowed them to navigate obstacles while carrying out their programming. Though it has been argued that these robots…
The Monster within Sentient Artificial Intelligence From the development and deployment of nuclear weapons to mankind’s first step on the moon, the human race has demonstrated its potential for accomplishment and greatness as well as iniquity and destruction. Both of these major, historical events were brought about through scientific advancement and technological innovation. Both of these factors allow for beneficial breakthroughs and, unfortunately, inimical, pernicious disasters which is why…
Swarm behavior is one of the main characteristics of different colonies of social insects (bees, wasps, ants, termites). This type of behavior is first and foremost characterized by autonomy, distributed functioning and self-organizing. Swarm Intelligence, SI, is considered to be the area of Artificial Intelligence that is based on studying actions of individuals in various decentralized systems~\cite{bonabeau1999}. However, there is still today big discrepancy between two schools of thought in…
In the movie, A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, by Steven Spielberg, there are two dominant groups of beings: flesh-and-blood humans, and nuts-and-bolts humans (also known as mechas, or mechanical people). In this dystopian future-world, humans produce and destroy mechas as they like because to some, a mecha is only a machine and cannot feel emotions or pain, even if they can show outward manifestations of emotions and pain. David is a mechanical child that is programmed to not have this…