You are sitting across from a wonderful person you met on Tinder. The lights are dim, fancy music plays in the background, and as you look down to place your napkin you notice your clothing. As much as you tried to look the part you weren’t really expecting this sort of date, you were expecting something more informal. Although, what could you expect from a person whose Tinder profile was filled with refined tastes. Despite this being the first time you see each other you can already tell that the other is looking for a more personal and longer relationship. You, on the other hand, are not ready for that type of relationship, and now are stuck trying to find a way out. All this could have been prevented if you knew the different types of first dates and what each one meant. The different types of dates include the average coffee dates, the weekday warrior dates, the classic dinner…
Not only has the media had an effect on hook up culture, it is also portraying it inaccurately. First off, songs now more than ever have many lyrics involving hook-ups and uncommitted sex linked to a physical and enjoyable feeling of emotion. Next, books and plots of movies are changing the way we perceive hookup culture today. For example, “The 2009 film "Hooking Up," details the chaotic romantic and sexual lives of adolescent characters.” Another film, "No Strings Attached," released in…
The argument I am proposing is that offices should have a more relaxed dress code. I believe that if dress codes are relaxed, employees will increase their job performance and overall confidence at work. This argument deals with human resources which is my current concentration in my major of business administration. This issue also arises in my current position at a bank. The dress code is business casual, but tattoos are not allowed to show when they used to be. This also touches on…
Since the early 2000s, we as Americans have been dressing more casually than we ever have in colleges; a place where we can better our lives with a degree and guaranteed work in our field of study. If we were to go to any college, we would most likely see students wearing a variety of clothing from casual to formal. Students could dress in whatever they want, in sweatpants and a hoodie or far worse things when they get up and go to their classes, however, they are disadvantaging themselves when…
Problem Statement The issue facing Ann Taylor in 2014 was a fairly common one, particularly for brands that have been established for as long as this women’s clothing store magnate has been. This chain of specialty stores was initially established in 1954. As such, it had witnessed myriad changes in styles and fickle customer tastes since the midway point of the 20th century. The crux of the issue that Ann Taylor was experiencing was simple enough: it needed to change with the times without…
We would wear the Save-A-Lot shirt that we are given, but some of us would wear different styles of pants, shoes, and outerwear. Even though what we are doing at work is against the dress code, we are all fully capable to doing our jobs around the store. The most surprising thing about dressing somewhat casually at work, we don't receive any complaints from our bosses or customers. In the article “Does Casual Dress Affect Productivity?” by CC Holland, she describes that if employers are…
In her article she speculates that at University traditional rules of dating don’t apply. A very casual approach is taken at University when it comes to dating which Goldhill suggests is because of student’s freedom of time, our tendency to hang out in groups and we get drunk a lot. published an article called “Five Unwritten Rules of University Dating”. The five unwritten rules all emphasised that any intimate moments, “having a thing”, saying you’ll meet again doesn’t mean…
friends with benefit or a real relationship. The hypothesis is that the busier a student is the less time they have to maintain the responsibilities of a committed relationship. There were 50 college students between the ages of 18 to 36 who participated in this study. Each individual was expected to fill out a questionnaire that consisted of 21 questions. The questions consisted of demographics, personal status, and a one to five rating scale. The data was obtained and analyzed, and expressed…
Much like the people of the New World State, being promiscuous from the get-go is more damaging than not. In a scenario suggested by mark Gungor, when a man has sex before marriage, he will do all he can to relive that experience, whether it is with role playing or finding more partners. Nevertheless, whomever he is with, “He is not really interested in the girl; he is interested in the sex.” … “NOTHING impacts a man like his first sexual experience.” (Gungor). Not only does this damage his…
Overall, Treasures of the Pharaohs 1 Line is a great game with graphics that are sure to grab your attention. While it cannot offer a huge payout, it certainly does enough to counteract this. The Wild symbol is to be lauded, as well as the expansive “Auto Play” feature – allowing the casual gamer the chance to play without really ‘playing’ as it were, and giving the game a few thrills and twists along the way. While ideal for the casual player, this game may not tempt in experienced players that…