The play took place in Dublin, Ireland in the 1960s. At this time, homosexual relations were not socially accepted. The one who made the laws were the people of the church. In this century, their bible was like our modern day US Constitution. Therefore, there were gender roles and practices that were strictly enforced. One societal expectation that affected the characters was that you must marry. This affected Alfie because he was tortured by his friends and even his sister Lilly because he is in his 40s and have not had a woman. To them, this was a sign of failure in life. Secondly, another expectation was that a man cannot love a man and women cannot love another woman. This affected Alfie because he has been hiding this secret from everyone and it made him an outcast. He cannot be his true self and openly love the person he loves. Lastly, it is believed that one should not have sex before marriage or they have committed adultery. Adele had a boyfriend named John and they have had sexual relations that is unacceptable to the church. This is why Adele was so ashamed that she was pregnant and fled the town. In the end, I think Adele wins love because she gets the opportunity the leave and be with her boyfriend. I believe Alfie wins sexual freedom but not love because Robbie sang a song and it made Alfie happy but he did not express any love towards Alfie. Alfie won my empathy because he was misunderstood. Everyone thought he was weird and kept trying to push him to conform…
Once upon a time, there lived a cunning woman named Charlotte. She had long brown hair that swept her shoulders and she had shining deep blue eyes and tan skin. She lived on a perfect little island with lush green forests,shining rivers, and sandy beaches that smelled like the sea. It was called Ocleous. Throughout the village, Charlotte was known as the most intelligent person alive, almost as smart as Athena, the goddess of wisdom. If anyone had a problem, they would go the Charlotte. …
During Cesario’s quarrel with Sir Andrew outside Olivia's manor, Antonio, assuming Cesario is Sebastian, attempts to protect the man he loves. However, an officer catches Antonio who has an offense towards the Duke; Antonio then asks “Sebastian” or Cesario to help him out of this situation as previously he “snatch’d [him] one half out the jaws of death, [and] relieved him with such sanctity of love.” Cesario confused does not help him, thus Antonio’s exuberant love for Sebastian resulted in his…
Hook. Background information. When characters fall in love they often change and become a better person because Claudio learned to appreciate Hero after he slandered her, Beatrice changed the way she use to think about men, and Benedick changed the way he use to think about love. First, when characters fall in love they often change and become a better person, because Claudio learned to appreciate Hero after he slandered her. The way Claudio learned to appreciate Hero was when Hero…
My father started to come home later each night. First it was eight, then eleven, midnight, and eventually I wouldn’t even see him until the next morning. I would call him to see where he was, and the response I would get was “I have one more customer I need to sell a car to, I’ll be home soon. I love you, baby girl.” And of course I believed him and went about my business. But at that moment I didn’t realize that soon would mean the next day when I’m watching Rocket Power and eating my Frosted…
All throughout life everyone experiences difficult situations that help mold them as people. People have to go through hard and sad times to become stronger and develop as a person. The toughest thing I have ever faced was losing my best friend Dylan. He was like a brother to me, and sadly he passed from a drug overdose. That one life changing event did so much for me as person. For the first time, I had actually lost someone I was close to and loved. This was undoubtedly the hardest situation I…
My “Bestfriend” “ So you won’t talk to me?” I asked him. He smiled down at the floor and nodded his head. He took a seat a couple of seats away from me. Whoever knew that a school bus could be a start of a friendship? I definitely did not, but this is how it all started. On August 11th, 2011, I became best friends with a special person. His name was William. He had been there before for me whenever my silly young age relationship ended. Then, Unexpectedly in sixth grade I started…
Before we even arrive at college, the only thing on most peoples’ minds is finding a roommate. Countless hours are spent on Facebook and other social media talking to and trying to find someone suitable to live with. This is a good idea, however the social media barrier allows for lies to be told. Someone we thought was exactly like us, could in reality be nothing like us. Most of these lies do not come out until we are actually living with this person. Roommates are one of the most important…
It was early September, so early that school hadn’t started yet. I received a text from a family friend, telling me he was on his way to come pick me up. Earlier in the week, I had a falling out with a friend, and I really needed someone to talk to. I texted TJ, asking if we could do something, to get my mind off of everything. He happily obliged and offered to take me to ice cream on Wednesday. When he pulled into the driveway, my heart leaped to my throat. I was finally going to have to come…
The Chronicles of a plus Size Model Have you ever felt like you never fit in, and even though you know that you don’t fit in your satisfied by yourself. Well that's how Celeste Harris felt about her and her weight and to top things off her aunt signed her up for a plus size teen pageant. In Erin Dionne’s story Models don’t eat chocolate Cookies, thirteen-year-old Celeste Harris is entered in a modeling contest by her not so friendly aunt,who signed her up without her permission. But not just…