How is love like a story? Love is like a story because of one’s expectations in a relationship, and the things that happen in their life to form this story. Love follows a literary progression. We have a beginning, middle, and end, and have plot, characters, and themes. Relationships are based off how a partner and the relationship correspond to a partner’s ideal love story. If certain aspects are missing or completely different from how they thought it out to be, the relationship may fail. With that said, a partner’s story may influence you to change your story and your life so that you can fit their criteria. Thus, we may not fully understand our partner’s stories and vice versa. Basic literary progression is essential to any story, whether…
This story is for you Kayla my bright eyed goddaughter for CJ, Keziah, mother and father. To remind you of the adventure you are on called life in which you'll climb mountains and reach the greatest heights and though you be tiny you have a lot inside so sit back relax and enjoy the ride. Everyone has a journey a yellow brick path in this world that is beautiful and ever so vast remember who you are and most important who's You are and with every small step you'll see you'll go far be a light…
experienced the fatherly and motherly love that the children around her age had. Her parents would always yell at her and criticize her for everything she did. She was physically and mentally abused, but despite all this, she still yearned for her parents’ love. However, her love for her parents started to disintegrate when they abandoned at the age of 8. From there on, she roamed the streets of Greece everyday and learned how to grow up independently. Despite growing up independently, Alycia…
Blizzardstar was born on a snowy leaf-bare day. Lilysong, Blizzardstar's mother, gave birth to two kits that day. They were both named for the weather that leaf-bare, Blizzardkit and Cloudkit. Blizzardkit was born healthy and strong, but Cloudkit died from green-cough soon after being born. Lilysong raised her daughter to be a stone-cold fighter from the moment Blizzardkit was born. Lilysong believed in tough love, and she taught her daughter that her focus needed to be on the wellbeing of the…
"What 's Love" People often say a Mother loves her child even before the child is born as she becomes part of the child world and their heart beats as one. But love often has different faces and emotions, some love for money, power and fear but no one can only Truly know when they have found love after they have lost it. Can you love something or someone without actually having had that person or thing with you your whole life? I have often fantasized that when I fall in Love at…
My first love story is different from everyone else's love story. It is a tragic love story, so tragic that it turns the most ungrateful people into grateful ones for having the chance to live a happy first love relationship no matter how long it lasted or how bad and cruel it ended. February 28, 2014 I went to dinner with my friends and they asked the 8th grade girls out to grab something to eat. At this dinner I met probably the weirdest girl I've ever met before. She was just crazy, talking…
Juliet a love story? Based on the knowledge stated by Kirwin in “Where Do Your Characters Fit in the Triangular Theory of Love?”, the reader can argue that the drama is a love story. Throughout Shakespeare’s diction, the protagonists display intimacy, passion, and commitment, which based on “Where Do Your Characters Fit in the Triangular Theory of Love?”, is the main components of true love. Before the reader can determine what “category…
Believe it or not To Kill a Mockingbird is a love story in numerous ways. This novel shows love by the way characters treat each other and care for others. Atticus cares for his kids and treats them like a loving parent would. Jem, Dill, and Scout care about each other like best friends should, and they also care about others. Atticus's devotion to Tom Robinson's case is a great example of how To Kill a Mockingbird is a love story. To begin with, the way Atticus treats and cares for Scout…
good love story encompasses more than just romantic love. Love is present in every corner of our lives, whether romantic, familial, friendship, etc. A good love story can bring out strong emotions that represent the struggles and success of life. It shows the journey that we have and the relationships we make in our lives with different people. Pride and Prejudice exemplifies different versions of love that is not centralized on romantic love between a man and a woman. Even though the…
word love is one that is heard frequently on a daily bases in our society. While the meaning behind the word is anything but simple. The dictionary definition of love encompasses anything from a strong affection towards someone from kinship or personal ties to attraction based on sexual desire, to warm attachment and in a spiritual context of being unselfish and benevolent concern for the good of others. (Love). The stories, What We Talk About When We Talk about Love and The Story of an Hour…