Lama AlAsker Juliet Capulet Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays and everyone has probably heard of it. It is such an amazing play but at the same time their fate is very tragic, Juliet Capulet is one of the main tragic heroes/characters in the play. Juliet was 13/14 years old in the play, she was breathtakingly beautiful, she had gorgeously long dark hair and fair white skin with rosy cheeks. She was unique, she wasn't like the other girls. She was very innocent and naive but daring, rebellious and stubborn at the same time, she stood up for what she believed in and was willing to defy everyone for it. Her tragic flaw or worst quality would be her impetuousness which would be the best word to describe her, she did…
Romeo and Juliet a play written in the year 1597 by and writer which published the most exquisite as well as retailed the English modern language, his play was symbolic in many eyes by the emotions and feelings which was brought to centre stage, not only did it bring laughter and joy to the theatre, he also has written a play which in the 20th century is still being used. The fine gentleman’s name was William Shakespeare. In this controlled assessment I will be analysing how lord Capulet, the…
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Lady Capulet does not live up to her expectations as a mother. From the beginning of Juliet’s childhood, she has been neglected by her mother and they rarely spend time with each other, Juliet’s interests are thrown out the window, and she had to defend for herself as Lady Capulet leaves her in the dust during her time of need. The mother-daughter duo seldom dally and this is clear throughout the play, as Lady Capulet does not know Juliet’s age, or even her…
Romeo and Juliet Beginning in the square of Verona Italy, Shakespeare starts his play, Romeo and Juliet, with a fight. The Montaques and the Caplets are some of Verona’s most well know families. Unfortunately, they have an ongoing feud and fights are not uncommon. We meet Escalus, the Prince of Verona, and he stops the fight. In scene ii we meet Romeo, the star-crossed lover boy. Lord Capulet, Juliet’s father, and Count Paris, Juliet’s wannabe lover, discuss the idea of Juliet’s marriage.…
Juliet Capulet, one of the main characters within the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, has exceptional dynamism. Her character begins as one with delicacy, obedience and collectedness; she behaves in a refined manner, obeys her parents without a word, and always thinks with a calm demeanor. Once she meets Romeo, though, her personality makeup does a large turn in the opposite direction. No longer as she was, she becomes seemingly hysterical, defiant, and irrational. There are…
“Romeo and Juliet” is a famously known play created by Shakespeare, which consists of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, two forbidden lovers who would stop at nothing to love each other. One crystal clear night, tragedy takes place inside the Capulet tomb, where Romeo and Juliet are discovered dead. Who is to blame? The answer is Capulet. Sweet as chocolate and as caring as a nurse, Juliet’s father, Capulet, is represented as a wise man in the beginning of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”.…
The finale of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was very regrettable for both the Montagues and the Capulets. The feuding families mourned over their lost loved ones because of some poor choices made by themselves. A Capulet would never let his daughter marry who she wanted especially if he was their rival, a Montague. Mr. Capulet didn’t let Juliet make her own decisions, even though she was old enough to think and have her own personal thoughts and feelings. When you get treated unfairly, you…
Taking place in the 17th century, in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, the role of women was to serve their husbands and present obedient and conserved qualities. Lack of courage in the household has allowed the fate of the star-crossed lovers to hasten and ultimately prevail. Growing up in royalty, Lady Capulet restrains from showing heed and emotion even to her beloved daughter to retain her pride and status, only to soon face painful death and grief of her child.…
Is there more to Lord Capulet than just shouting and threats? Does Lord Capulet care about Juliet, or is he just worried about his family’s honor? Evidence from the play seems to support the Capulet that loves Juliet, and wants to see her happy, even though at points it seems like Capulet could not care less about what Juliet wants. Family honor does play some role in Capulet’s decisions, but it is wrong to assume that a better name for himself is the only thing driving him. It is also important…
In the story Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare, Lord Capulet was the most to blame for the deaths. First, Lord Capulet is to blame because he was willing to force Juliet to marry Paris and if she wouldn’t he would not be hesitant to kick her out of the house.“Graze where you will, your shall not house with me.”(3.5.216.) Juliet does not want to marry Paris because she barely even knows who he is! Also, she has met him one time at a party and she wasn’t even paying any attention to him…