All companies have their tricks to make you buy their product. Some companies like to draw you in with advertisements and the promise of their product to be good for you. Companies like General Mills and Kellogg’s use another trick that fools every day people into buying their products. What General Mills and Kellogg’s do is on the food labels of their product, they put different forms of measuring ingredients that might not be as good for you than it should be. The two biggest measurements used are teaspoons and grams. Whole Grains is a cereal grain that contains the germ, endosperm, and bran, in contrast to refined grains, which retain only the endosperm. Refined grains are missing fiber and key nutrients that their whole grain counterparts…
Healthy Diet Critical Thinking Assignment On a typical day, I consume four servings of grain products. I usually have rye toast which after doing this exercise, I realized is not whole grain. The other sources would be steel cut oats and granola. On average I have 7 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. In the three days that I recorded, the sources were apples, oranges, bananas, blueberries, dates, carrots, celery, cucumber, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, green pepper, zucchini, snap peas,…
involving “whole wheat”, “all natural” and “good for health”. The FDA does not have very strict regulations concerning these claims, which gives companies free will to use these labels as they want to increase their product sales. When a food product contains a label “all natural” in can still contain artificial additives, while containing small amount of natural ingredients. The reason for this misleading claim is that the FDA has not presented a specific definition for “natural”, which allows…
calories or less of solid fats and added sugars as a whole. iv. Added Sugars: I also have no specific recommended intake for added sugars, because they too are included as a part of the empty calories category. Once…
the wheat grain fragments are separated by an arrangement of sieves. For final milling into white flour, white endosperm particles are channeled into a series of smooth reduction rolls. Pieces of bran with the endosperm attached go through a second break roll. This bran is then put through the milling process once more to allow for a separation of the flour, bran, and wheat germ. This completes the process of wheat germ, bran (whole grain), and white flour (Maxwell & Holohan…
5. Action Plan Nutrition is critical to a healthy lifestyle. After analyzing the results from my diet analysis, I have determined that there are numerous areas in my diet that are in need of change. Specifically, three of the changes that I should implement in my diet to improve my nutrition are increasing my consumption of calcium and vitamin D by consuming three dairy products each day, replacing traditional meat such as chicken or beef with seafood for three meals each week, and…
By recording my food in a 24 hr. period, I was able to create a Personal Diet Analysis, as well as goal to stay within the recommended amounts stated by MyPlate. First, I ate 1 slice of 100% whole wheat bread (1 oz.) and 1 cup of quinoa (2 oz.). The recommended amount from MyPlate for grains is 8 oz. per day. I consumed 3 oz. of my grains in the 24 hr. period. My goal is to increase the amount of grains by 5 more ounces a day. It is recommended that half of the daily grains be whole grains.…
to like broccoli and apples more and more and am bring more of a variety to my diet. I am beginning to incorporate more fruits and vegetable into my meals; I am doing this by taking fruit with me to work as a snack and eating more vegetables with dinner at home. My last category is grains, this is the only category that I went over on I had exceeded my recommendation by about 9%. This one surprised me a little bit, but I am assuming most of that is coming from bread/breading. I do see where it…
The article “Metabolic effects of whole grain wheat and whole grain rye in the C57BL/6J mouse” is an article that consists of a study that compared long term effects from diets that consisted of whole grain wheat and whole grain rye. The article is a peer reviewed article published by Eleviser Science in the Nutrition journal in February of 2010. The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that a whole grain wheat diet causes reduced insulin responses and increased body fat compared to…
It is the addition of fat like butter and margarine that make it seem a no-no when it comes to weight. Bread, a natural source of fibre and complex carbohydrates, is okay for dieting. The key is eating dark, rich, high-fibre breads such as pumpernickel, whole wheat, mixed grain, oatmeal and others. The average slice of whole grain bread contains only 60 to 70 calories, it is rich in complex carbohydrates – the best, steadiest fuel you can give your body – and contains some protein too. Apples…