Stratified sampling

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    In the quantitative article Ozdamli and Uzunboylu used the stratified random sampling method. The teacher sample was made up of 25% of the total number. The student sample was made up of 9% of the target population. The qualitative authors decided to use the criterion sampling strategy. The teachers that were selected had to meet the criterion of using MCDs or taught students that uses MCDs such as, cell phones, smart phones, or tablet computer for teaching or learning. The quantitative sample used stratified sampling which is a good way to guarantee desired representation of relevant subgroups within a sample. Ozdamli and Uzunboylu hypothesizes compared the behavior between the teachers and the students for that purpose to determine the…

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    Errors In English Essay

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    University in Japan, etc. ), by following such procedure the researcher will be able to only recruit participants with a background in studying English, seen as it is mandatory in those universities to take at least two semesters of English as a second language. In the first part, a survey about English grammar will be posted on said universities public pages where current and former students will be able to volunteer to take it. In doing so, the aim is to recruit people coming from both…

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    Spearman's Test

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    To conduct this experiment the parameters need establishing. The data we are looking for is the effectiveness of a new reading program implemented for third grade children who need help with their reading skills. The population will be all third grade children in the local school district, the sampling method will be a random sampling method called Stratified random sampling with a sample size of 30. Stratified sampling will allow me to draw a random sample of third graders from each school…

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    Random Sampling Methods

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    • 5 Pages

    Describe the sampling method used in this study The primary objective of conducting research is the ability to come to a conclusion in regard to the entire population from results obtained through sampling. The sampling method used in this study is the simple random sampling. The random sampling method is a sampling procedure that ensures each element in the population will have an equal chance of being included (Zikmund, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2013, p. 396). Random sampling is a beneficial…

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  • Improved Essays

    The one types of non-probability sampling methods is convenience sampling. Convenience sampling occurs when data collection is obtained from the easiest to get hold of subjects. For example, if you were going to do a study on hospital-provided water births in Oregon, and you were looking to find out what percentage actually end up delivering in water, opposed to abandoning the water prior to delivery. In a convenience sampling, I would only take information for my local hospital because it is…

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  • Improved Essays

    Stress Management App Efficacy: The Impact on Negative and Positive Affect Do various stress management apps effect negative and positive affect differently? The present study consisted of a randomized comparative efficacy trial, which aimed to unveil whether three stress management applications differed in their impact on negative and positive affect. Participants completed a pre-test assessment of their experiences of various negative and positive affects. The pre-test assessment also…

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  • Improved Essays

    Bullying Program Proposal

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    serve as a safe place for LGBTQ students as well as other students that may be victims of bullying and isolation, have suicidal thoughts, or experiencing depression to eat lunch and socialize. The last component of the program consist of an anonymous bullying reporting website. This website will be available throughout the course of the whole program and will serve as a tool for students and parents to inform STAY and school staff on bullying incidences. Population: The target population for…

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  • Improved Essays

    represent all college freshmen. b) This is an example of a stratified random sample because the population is divided into groups, which in this case the groups would be universities, and then a simple random sample is taking from each university. c) This would be an example of cluster sampling because all colleges and universities represent the clusters and the 464 random samples of clusters are chosen and within those 464 all the first year students were observed. d) The two sampling…

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    Aerobic Exercise

    • 1370 Words
    • 6 Pages

    Therefore, we can weakly state that as social pressure by friends and other important figures increases, exercise frequency also increases. However, we cannot draw the conclusion that social pressure truly causes an increase in the frequency of exercise. Running different statistical tests or utilizing the experiment method would have allowed us to draw a causal claim. Future researchers in this field may want to consider this in order to better design their study. Furthermore, we utilized…

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  • Improved Essays

    Group Discussion: Answer to 14.10 Christina Vass Liberty University Group Discussion: Answer to 14.10 14.10- Christina Vass The objective of this essay is to answer question 14.10 posed in chapter 14 of Business Research Methods. Using exhibit 14-8, the researcher has been instructed to describe the sampling frames that will be used to study employee skill needs of new hires in the current industry in which the researcher works (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). The researcher works within a…

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