Spearman’s test cannot be used to see the correlation between the variables specific age and job satisfaction because the Spearman’s test is used when measuring the association, observing if a change in one variable will be related to a change in another variable. To measure these changes you need ordinal variables, variables that are measurable and ranked. Job satisfaction can be ranked; age is a nominal variable and cannot be ranked.
However, with a combination of data, Pearson’s Correlation measures the correlation between the variables specific age and job satisfaction. Pearson’s Correlation allows us to test Nominal, Ordinal and Interval data together.
3. Performing a 95% confidence interval on the mean IQ of ax murders using the interval formula, the confidence interval tells me 95% of the 156 sample population, their IQ will fall between 76.23 and 83.76. If we were to take the same sample again we will yield the same results. We are 95% confident that the mean of all ax murders in American prisons average IQ 's will fall between 76.23 and 83.76.
4. A. The survey questions below will help conclude if residents of Michigan will support a tax increase to subside the building of a new General Motors production facility. The feeling of having more money taken out of your check is not an easy feeling; these questions will help see the positives of …show more content…
To conduct this experiment the parameters need establishing. The data we are looking for is the effectiveness of a new reading program implemented for third grade children who need help with their reading skills. The population will be all third grade children in the local school district, the sampling method will be a random sampling method called Stratified random sampling with a sample size of 30. Stratified sampling will allow me to draw a random sample of third graders from each school within the district to participate in the new reading program. Although the drawing is random, we have to be sure each student is equal in reading