Wicca I. History a. When was it founded? i. The exact date of Wicca’s founding is unknown, but is traced back to the 1950s. b. Who founded it? i. Gerald Brousseau Gardner founded the Wiccan religion. c. How it all began? i. The Wicca religion is a modern form of an ancient way of life, or system of worship that has been around in Europe for thousands of years. d. Other relevant foundational information i. Each Wiccan community is called a coven, and it usually consists of 10 to 15 members. As a member of the coven, there are three degrees of initiation possible for each person in the coven. The first two are more basic and are for becoming an expert in the magic and rituals. The third; however, is for a member who wants to be in the priesthood.…
Wicca is a tradition that takes place in Europe before Christianity and can be linked back to worshiped of Hunter God, and a Fertility Goddess of the Paleolithic people. The religion can be traced back to 30,000 years and predate Christianly by 28,000 years. A sculpture was found of a Goddess or Great mother, and her consort stating that this religion was a matriarchal and free of male domination. The goddess is one of the earliest deity from the Stone Ages in Europe. Wicca is a spiritual belief…
Wicca is the second-fastest-growing religion in the United States with the first being Islam. When we here Wicca we usually think of straight up black magic but there is much more to Wicca then magic. Wicca means “wise ones” or “to bend or shape”. Wicca is a predominantly Western movement whose followers practice witchcraft and nature worship. The people involved in Wicca see themselves as a religion of pre-Christian traditions of Northern and Western Europe. The origins of the ancient Wicca…
The big money question in today's society is really "What is Wicca". Isn't it the same as Paganism? Paganism is basically the mother branch of all religions. While the two have some similarities, they are considered different. Wicca is a nature based religion that follows the Goddess and the God. Some individuals put a face to the Goddess and God or some just leave them named as they are. A lot of individuals (if not all) follow a rule of ethics called the Wiccan Rede. Most individuals who are…
Wicca can be considered a Pagan religion. Wicca worships both - a Goddess and a God. The polarity between the feminine and masculine aspect is respected. According to Wiccan view, the deity is essential inside nature, therefore Wiccans perfom celebrations of the seasons and Cross Quarter days. That is their way to honour the planet and its forces. For their magical work they use spiritual and natural energies and they always work in harmony with nature. Especially at the beginning of the…
Wicca frequently uses the god and goddess to perform magical acts. Wicca is one of the true forms where witchcraft is practiced by the ancients. Wicca is where it honors both the god and goddess and the changing of the seasons also known as the Wheel of the Year. They believe in a law that they call the Wiccan Rede where Harm None is their belief. Witches are concerned folk healers as well as mediators who do practice folk magic. They sometimes use magic to manipulate the energy to…
modern-day Wicca starts out as a religious movement the happen around the mid-twentieth century in England, soon then expanded into the rest of Europe and North America. Though recently new, Wicca has some traditions, practices, and beliefs that originated thousands of years ago. According to Cantrell, Wicca is “a religion rooted in the mists of Neolithic history… it is basically a fertility and agrarian society. It is a religion of nature worship and the subsequent interaction with nature that…
cores, humans long to cling to and have confidence in something. Many are polytheistic, believing in more than one individual deity; some are monotheistic, worshipping a single divine being, or as in the case of Atheism, some believe in no higher power whatsoever. Wicca is an example of polytheism, where a goddess is the main deity, with a god as the secondary divinity. The heart of worship that Wiccans have is clearly shown in their religion’s ritual system and reverence for the gods over…
identical to Gardnerianism, but adopted further elements from ceremonial magic. Another contrast between the two branches is that Gardnerian Wicca is selective about approving initiates and Alexandrian Wicca initiates anyone interested as long as they are over the age of 18. Historian Ronald Hutton records comments from British practitioners of Gardnerian and Alexandrian Wicca that distinctions between the two traditions have blurred in the last couple of decades, and some initiates of both…
What I Know Before beginning the research process, my knowledge on witchcraft, Wicca, and Paganism was very limited. I gathered that witchcraft is part of Wicca and that Wicca is part of Paganism. I had no knowledge on witchcraft at all. I struggled to separate fact from fiction regarding the practice of witchcraft. I was familiar with caricatures and fictional portrayals of witches and wizards like Hocus Pocus and Harry Potter, but I knew not to rely on those inaccurate representations of the…