When we think of games, we think of kids, immaturity, and time-wasting individuals who have nothing else better to do. Gamification is about applying game-design elements and principles into non-game contexts in order to improve user experience, productivity, education, assessment, mentality, physicality, and or legality. By using gamification, companies can assess their future consumers and employees, and develop systems that can improve their own company. Our future leaders will be Millennials; they will be leading our government, economy, and culture. Their motivational dynamics vary from what people have formerly learned about society. It was predicted that by the year 2020, Millennials will be the driving force that dictates what direction our economy will follow. Older generations have been illiterate to modern technology as they have difficulty using a computer. On the other hand, whatever is given to Millennials, they will dissect and discover information that cannot be known beforehand. They were born into the world of technology and video games; they are the first generation to initiate and exploit the gaming experience into something far greater than anyone had ever expected. They are technologically cultured and obsessed, and by not incorporating the gamification experience into work or user interface, then Millennials will not justify spending their time and money into it. According to Yu-Kai Chou, there are 8 Core Drives of gamification. Each of these…
Elle Macpherson Wiki, Daughter, Married, Height, Net Worth and Bio Elle Macpherson bio Australian Supermodel and actress Elle Macpherson A.K.A Eleanor Nancy Gow was born on 29th March 1964 in Killara, New South Wales. She is best known for her records of five cover appearances mostly for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue during the 1980s. Elle Macpherson bio available on different resources has stated that her parents separated when she was still a teen. Her mother remarried multimillionaire…
Introduction First and foremost, writing a good wiki entry requires good writing and editing skills. However, there are many technical skills involved in creating an attractive and readable wiki entry, as well. In addition to text, most wikis will allow you to insert multimedia such as pictures (see Figure 6.3.1 below for an example). You can also add links to your text--both links to other pages inside the wiki, and links to regular web sites. Knowing how to format your changes can also help…
Blogs, wikis and podcasts, deals with social software in which a variety of social users have the opportunity to include their own matters. Among these, podcasts are significant for the language teachers because teachers find difficult to find resources for pronunciation with a variety of accents and registers to be used in the classes. Wikis and blogs incorporate a wide variety of audiovisual items that are worth incorporating in the foreign language classroom.…
libraries of the wealthy. Since then we have significantly advanced and developed sophisticated ways of storing and accessing information. Nowadays archives of information are accessed through the power of the internet, People from all regions of the world can now access this information through a type of web application called a wiki. Even now 19 years after its first release wikis have only grown in popularity, so much so that wikipedia, the worlds most popular wiki, contains over 4.5 million…
make sure they were heard. The Miss America Protest took place on September 7, 1968. (Wiki/Miss_America_protest) Four hundred feminists gathered on the Atlantic City boardwalk outside of the pageant. They protested what they called, “The Degrading Mindless-Boob-Girlie Symbol” and American society’s beauty expectations. (Wiki/Miss_America_protest)…
was the first public report of an alien abduction in the United States (McKendry). In episode two, Kit claims that his wife was abducted by aliens (“American Horror Story Wiki”). Josef Mengele was a German officer and physician in Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II (“Josef Mengele”). Mengele was a member of the team of doctors responsible for performing deadly human experiments on prisoners (“Josef Mengele”). In this season of AHS, he was portrayed as Dr. Arthur Arden, a physician…
go down and you’d have no support. On the other hand, Solarwinds does offer support, but at a cost. Depending on how large your network is, Solarwinds offers different pricing (Source: http://www.solarwinds.com/onlinequotes). Weighing these pros and cons is a crucial step before installing these products in a production environment. 5. Performance This section ties directly in with the monitoring solution I have in place. Solarwinds will detect whether or not there’s any issues hardware or…
com/2012/11/12/opinion-remembering-world-war-i-in-ireland/#ednref15 Women in WW1, http://ww1facts.net/people/women-in-ww1/ iWonder, What did World War One really do for women? http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z9bf9j6 NLI, (National Library of Ireland), World War I Recruiting Posters, http://www.nli.ie/en/udlist/ephemera-collections.aspx?article=98d5560b-15c7-466e-856f-fb58dcbf143a Arran Q Henderson, Propaganda & Recruitment. WWI Posters.…
and also the last one in this shortened-version of Jog is the drum solo. Also still follow the same eight beats cycle, it is harder to follow the beat since the drum was being played really fast. At 9:15, we could quickly catch sixteen beats that the drum filled out perfectly with the beat before the whole video ends. Citations : A Return To Ragas: Family Matters For Sitar Player Anoushka Shankar - NPR Music…