Our future leaders will be Millennials; they will be leading our government, economy, and culture. Their motivational dynamics vary from what people have formerly learned about society. It was predicted that by the year 2020, Millennials will be the driving force that dictates what direction our economy will follow. Older generations have been illiterate to modern technology as they have difficulty using a computer. On the other hand, whatever is given to Millennials, they will dissect and discover information that cannot be known beforehand. They were born into the world of technology and video games; they are the first generation to initiate and exploit the gaming experience into something far greater than anyone had ever expected. They are technologically cultured and obsessed, and by not incorporating the gamification …show more content…
They love the classic Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, and all of the other incarnations; Pokemon is the exact definition of this Core Drive as users can collect, improve, and gain more of their Pokemon. They can also treat them as their own pet such as: dressing them up, feeding and caring for it, and aiding them along on their adventure together. They feel connected, and have sentimental value; losing or keeping them away from their pets would be