“Bromides” are unoriginal ideas, and “windbaggery” is a lengthy discussion that lacks interesting content. With the use of overly complicated phrases, Isaacs essentially states that millennials lack substance and their conversations are trite.
Ironically, Isaacs concludes his piece with “End of story. To coin a phrase.” The first phrase means exactly what is states, this is the end no more will be said on the topic. The irony comes from the second phrase, which is used jokingly after a cliché or banal remark. Although Isaacs article is indeed a compilation of clichés, his work is far from obvious and boring; Isaacs uses the clichés to criticize the characteristics of the younger generation. This is further exemplified in the statement, “So at the end of the day, life is face time. But it’s also about show-me-the-money.” Which refers to the younger generations self-absorbed and materialistic