Millennials Face Uphill Climb Rhetorical Analysis

Improved Essays
Caroline Porter’s essay "U.S. News: Millennials Face Uphill Climb", takes a look at Millennials and the delay they face today, when it comes to reaching adulthood. Porter discusses economy and employment being the biggest factor in the cause of the delay. Through educated and formal diction she is able to make the purpose of this essay to inform her audience. The audience is intended to be adults who classify with the millennial generation, as well as the generations that come after.
The diction in Porter’s essay is educated and formal. This can be seen in the following statement, "the combination of structural change plus this particular recession has been devastating for millennials." Words such as structural and recession are examples of educated and formal word choice. Her use of this word choice lets her audience know she is educated on the topic. This type of diction is ideal for the intended audience of this essay, because they are adults.
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She is informing the audience about the millennials and how they face a delay in reaching adulthood. She goes into detail describing what can be blamed for causing this. She says more demanding job requirements along with the poor economy have had the biggest impact on the delay of millennials reaching adulthood in the last ten years. She goes on to discuss that while millennials do go to college to get an education in order to find a good paying job, they are left with debt from student loans. The student loans they took out in order to get an education. However, due to the poor economy they struggle to find a job to pay off the debt. Porter states the delay in millennials reaching adulthood will have a lasting impact on the U.S. society and economy. se of Porter’s essay is to inform her audience. She is informing the audience about an issue the millennial generation, and most likely the generations to come after, will face. That issue being the delay in reaching

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