Some people may say, though, that millennials are just starting out in life and have low paying jobs or even no job at all. They would say that because of this, a millennial’s fund for charity is such a small amount and therefore millennials are not really doing anything to help. I agree that millennials are not the richest generation in the world, but their incredible population cannot be overlooked. One millennial may only have very little to offer, but when the whole generation is put together to give, the total funds amount to an enormous sum. So, millennials are actually doing something to help out. A great example to show this is Sheaves for Christ, the organization that I help support. Sheaves for Christ is funded solely by millennials. It was created by the General Youth Division of the UPCI to allow youth, which goes up to 30 years of age, to help in many different aspects that they have only dreamed of helping. During the Sheaves for Christ’s 2015 fundraising year, millennials raised $4,394,006.04, marking an all-time record since the organization was created. This illustrates the picture that millennial are making a difference through their charity …show more content…
In the article, “New Cone Communications Research Confirms Millennials as America 's most Ardent CSR Supporters, but Marked Differences Revealed among this Diverse Generation,” the author writes about the millennial generation’s influence on businesses. The article tells that millennials are very involved in corporate social responsibility efforts and many of them would change company brands if that brand is associated with a cause. According to the article, millennials are more willing to purchase products with a cause, tell about corporate social responsibility efforts, voice opinions about certain companies, and volunteer for a cause that is supported by a company that they trust, against the American average. Millennials are willing to sacrifice for causes the support, which effects businesses, the article informs. This is all true. Millennials’ desire to help the world influences the decisions that they make.If a millennial always buys Under Armour cloths and then sees that Nike is a supporter of helping America be and keeping America active, then the millennial will likely change brands because of a desire to support the cause of an active