Abstract: During the last three weeks, I have been on a journey to identify an unknown microorganism. At the beginning of this experiment which was much like a fun adventure in lab, I’ve learned a lot of information that I believe are very important for us to know. Within the three weeks, I am proud to say that I successfully completed my experiment and was able to identify my microorganism as Bacillus azotoformans. During this experiment, there were many tests that took place. I used the Unknown Identification Flowchart found in my lab manual to direct me on which test to perform depending on my results. I first perform the Gram Stain test during week one which showed me that I was working with a Gram positive Rod shape bacteria. After that,…
microbiology lab we have been taught how to conduct multiple experiments to identify microorganisms. Many of these experiments can be used on all different types of microorganisms but cumulatively they can help isolate a singular microorganism’s identity. At the beginning of the semester we were divided into several groups and were assigned an unknown of which we were tasked with identifying. Being assigned number 14 as our unknown, my group consisting of Chijindu Eke, Austin Dicus and myself…
Introduction Not only is the human body colonized with a large variety of microorganisms, the environment people live in is also filled with countless bacteria and other microorganisms, which are known as environmental microbes. More importantly, since people spend the majority of their lifetime in indoor environments such as schools, houses, and hospitals, the indoor surface microbes hence play a crucial role in human health. Scientists have discovered that indoor microorganisms are associated…
observation, different microbes can be observed through the natural liquid and solid phases and be made into slides to be viewed closely under a microscope. Essentially, a random microorganism can be sampled in a dry environment and be identified through observing unique characteristics that would make the microbe be considered either a mold, yeast or bacterium. Using a nutrient agar plate and cotton-tipped swabs for collecting the microbes, colony growths can be observed in the plate and…
Counting bacteria in a sample can be very difficult because they are extremely small. There are many different methods that are used to determine the number of microorganisms in a given population. one method that can be used in the lab is a serial dilution. Serial dilution is a is a microbiological technique or process of diluting a solution many times, by doing this it creates a decrease isolation. The purpose for the creating the decrease in isolation is so that you can obtain a countable…
In the field of Microbiology, it is essential that the microorganisms being examined are seen clearly and distinctly under the microscope. Most specimen thrive in aqueous environments, therefore they are translucent and when mounted on a microscope the light passes through them making it impossible to see the specimen. Equally as important as this is that the viewer is aware of what type pf bacteria is being utilized. Both of these criteria in a lab are met with the use of a staining procedure…
Population growth of microorganisms. In the correct conditions (with warmth, moisture, nutrients) bacteria can multiply rapidly. The human body can provide these conditions for bacteria to multiply, for example in a cut. Each bacterium splits into two up to every 20 minutes. So, after one hour a single bacterium could have reproduced to give eight bacteria. 2.2 Explain the ways an infective agent might enter the body Contact: Some diseases spread through direct contact with infected skin,…
Immature microorganisms are cells that are undifferentiated which imply that they don't have a particular employment or even capacity. While skin cells secure our body, muscle cells contract and nerve cells send signals. Undifferentiated cells don't have a particular structure or capacity henceforth they can possibly turn into an assortment of cells in the body, similar to the ones recorded over, a liver cell, a bone cell, pluripotent foundational microorganism, platelet, and fat cell. The body…
The history of microorganism infection predates written accounts. Evidence of ancient prophylactic measures such as applying mold and soil to wounds attests to the age–old challenge of combatting illnesses caused by microbes. The modern era of medicine began with advents in the treatment of widespread ailments, most notably the discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 (“History of Antibiotics,” 2010). With the first effective compound against bacterial proliferation, infections…
. It was also revealed by NSW (2000) that there are a few variations in the sources of gray water in that bathroom (hand basin, shower, and bath) which generates about 38% of the household wastewater flow (55% of greywater) and is considered to be the least contaminated type of greywater. Microbiologically, thermotolerant coliform concentrations have been assessed in shower and bath water to be in the range of 104 to 106 cfu/100mL. People often urinate in showers and baths concern is often…