continue to achieve a goal. While many American icons come face to face with this conflict, the end result is a person, an icon that has made a positive impact on their surroundings, which their struggles are often overlooked. Although they may hit a few bumps along the way, the end result of their achievement is what is left to be discussed all over the world. Jonas Salk is one of those figures that can be greatly considered an American icon. Born on October 28, 1914, in New York City, Jonas Salk was the oldest of three siblings and also the first one to attend college and receive a medical degree (“Jonas Salk”). His father and…
Pittsburgh, the life of Jonas Edward Salk did not begin in Pittsburgh. Jonas Salk, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants to the United States was born on October 28, 1914 in New York City. It was in New York City that he became the first member of his family to attend college by attending New York University and earning his medical degree in 1939. The next stop on Jonas Salk’s journey to Pittsburgh was at the University of Michigan. At the University of Michigan, Jonas Salk worked on a research…
Jackson 25 October 2015 Jonas Salk The focus of this biography is to tell the life of Jonas Salk. Jonas Salk was an American bacteriologist, physician and virologist who is best known for researching on Poliomyelitis, also known popularly as polio. He is also widely known for developing the first successful vaccine for polio. The biography contains the scientist’s early life, time of his adulthood, what he has done for the society until the time when he grows old and pass away. Jonas Edward…
Dr. Jonas Edward Salk was a model global citizen because of the many things he did for the world in by helping it, but he was shaped by his parents and education. Jonas Salk was the son of Polish immigrants that moved here before he was born, on October 28, 1914. His parents were strong believers that he needed a full education before he could move on with his life. Jonas was a very bright kid and at the age of 15 he graduated from Townsend Harris High School. He then moved onto City College…
From the beginning of mankind, man has looked for a way to heal illnesses. Jonas Salk found a cure for one of the severely worst illnesses in the history of man, polio. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine was a great discovery of his time, and it is still being used today to eliminate polio worldwide. His discovery of a vaccine against polio was one which was collected of killed viruses producing the antibodies to help the body defeat the disease without inducing it. As the argument heats up between…
Jonas was one of the leading scientist of the 20th century and also the discoverer of the Polio vaccine. Jonas Edward Salk was born on October 28, 1914, in New York City. His parents were Daniel and Dora (née Press) Salk. He had two younger brothers Herman and Lee. His education was very important to his parents and they encouraged him to study. When he was 13 years old he was send to Townsend Harris High School, a public school school for children gifted with intelligence. He was the first…
couple of modifications. Jonas Salk, he’s not a very common scientist name that you hear about such as Edison, Darwin, Newton etc. He was actually a big part in the medical world because he was the one person to come up with the vaccine to prevent polio disease. Jonas had made many studies…
Poliomyelitis is a viral disease that can affect nerves and can lead to partial or full paralysis. Cutting through every human it came into contact with and preventing them from living a long and full life; Polio was a disease that ravaged the world for decades, maybe even centuries. Jonas Edward Salk, an American medical researcher and virologist at the New York University School of Medicine, discovered and developed a vaccine to stop this virus’ terrifying rampage. The vaccine was a weapon…
and how they came to find the cure. The thesis is stated clearly in the introduction of this book. Oshinsky talks about how the feud between Salk and Sabin was continuous, and that the debate is still ongoing on weather Salk or Sabin made the better vaccine for this virus. He then ends with saying “What is certain, however, is that the polio crusade that consumed them remains one of the most significant and culturally revealing triumphs in American medical history.” (7) The thesis in the…
American society, and many other countries around the world, is Jonas E. Salk, who created the world’s first successful polio vaccine. With polio being such a large problem during Salk’s prime in the 1940’s and 1950’s, the vaccination made him a huge success story. Not only have Salk and his polio vaccine improved the lives of millions of American children and adults by freeing them of paralyzation, many fever-like symptoms, and even death, but they have also had…