My research centers on Jorge Luis Borges and constructs a web of influences on him and his literary oeuvre through examining his many interviews. Throughout his life, Borges consented to hundreds of interviews. Rather than undertaking exhaustive research, I gathered data from nine of Borges’ most widely available interviews, largely conducted in English and issued in prominent, English-language publications. Some interviewers transcribed the interview content in the moment or from tape recordings afterwards, while others reconstructed interviews years later through notes and memory. In every dialogue, Borges names numerous authors, which I count in the appendix. These conversational mentions constitute explicit influences, as Borges claims…
Jorge Luis Borges was seen as a surrealist writer. He wrote through the perspective of dreams for most of his writings by trying to change reality into another meaning. He is a surrealist writer that had many experiences in life that affected his work and also used fictional ways of writing to tell stories that were actually true. Imagination, visions, and dreams were all used to shape his writing (“Literary Notes”). His short story “The Circular Ruins” is one of the best examples, because the…
Analysing specific examples of literary influence is paramount to practically exemplify prior theoretical claims. The influence of Edgar Allen Poe upon Jorge Luis Borges, and subsequent influence of Borges upon Thomas Pynchon, will be assessed. These authors have been selected as they emanate from distinct cultural contexts, while their writings are separated by several decades. Firstly, Borges (1998, p.196) directly acknowledges Poe’s influence, noting, “Poe taught me how to use my imagination…
In the essay “Blindness” by Jorge Luis Borges , he indicates how the word “blind” and the people who have the ability to see are oblivious. His main audience is those who do not see the reality and beauty of the world having the ability to do so but are stuck in the stereotypes that are said. Borges purpose is for his readers to awaken and take a step forward and appreciate the privilege of sight , and to actually see a blind person point of view before judging. The author demonstrates this by…
everything has been given for an end”.-Jorge Luis Borges In the essay, Blindness, Jorge Luis Borges describes the many strengths and weakness that originate being a blind man to an audience who does not know what it feels like to actually be blind. He conveys this idea throughout his essay through the use of different rhetorical elements such as ethos and pathos. Borges uses ethos to show readers that he has experienced what it is like to be blind, and pathos unintentionally to have the reader…
Man’s position in the universe is temporal; man can never fully understand their relation to the universe, thus, they will inevitably destroy themselves. Temporal can be defined as something that is limited, usually by the measurement of time. In Jorge Luis Borges’ “The library of Babel” humans search the incomprehensibly large library for books which will explain their existence. “Like all men of the library, I have traveled in my youth. I have journeyed in search of a book, perhaps of the…
orge Luis Borges is a notable Argentine writer born in Buenos Aires and has written many short fictions that connects to our life and their goals. He has also written renowned essays and poems one of them being iconoclastic. One of his oldest fictions he has written was “The South” and “The Shape of the Sword” which was written in 1944. Later on in his life, Borges wrote the “The Captive”, “The Inferno” and “Dream Tigers” in 1960 with “Blue Tigers” written later in his carer in 1983. In 1935,…
What happens when our ability to process information in relation to critical thinking is impaired and we are reduced to mere facts of information accessed? Jorge Luis Borges’ fictional story “Funes the Memorious” addresses this question through providing a case, as an example, of how the brain may approach information in relation to mankind’s ability to think versus recall. In the story, Funes was a young man who tragically passed away but had an incredible memory. The narrator felt obligated…
Thorough out life, many people experience different challenges. In these stories the main characters all go through different types of challenges. The main character in Ray Carver 's "Cathedral" has the challenge of isolation and social awkwardness. The character Robert has the large challenge of being blind. In Jorge Luis Borges ' story, the main character has the challenges of insomnia and loneliness. And finally, the main character in J.G. Rosa 's "The Third Bank of the River" has the…
Bloom endorses the linearity of influence, and Borges highlights its fluidity, a third distinct perception emerges. Thompson (2014, p.114) utilises David Foster Wallace’s short story B.I. #59 as a framework from which to interrogate Bloom and Borges’ arguments, detecting, “throughout [Wallace’s] fiction, influence comes not only from the past (as in Bloom’s model), or from a future, anticipated text (as in Borges’s model) but also from the cultural present.” Consequently, Wallace’s narrative is…