animal cruelty is a serious issue that is commonly thought to be an issue of the past – but is it really? Animal cruelty, even though it has decreased significantly over the past century, is still rampant. Through the use of hundreds of thousands of zoos around the world, those who have claimed to be stopping the capture and abuse of millions of animals have allowed it to go by unnoticed and even supported by the public. From premature death and bad health to unnatural habitats and the culling of surplus animals, wild animals have experienced extreme suffering due to human intervention just for the opportunity for the public to be able to see such ‘wild’ animals on a ‘fun family day out’. Premature death and bad health are two major issues that animals who have been stolen from their natural environment suffer. Captive animals are forced to live in tiny, filthy, desolate enclosures that cannot come close to matching the amount of space, variety and freedom the same animals would experience in their natural habitats. Orcas, for example, are forced to live in an area the size of a bathtub compared to the hundreds of kilometres they swim daily in their natural environment. Through the lack of these basic necessities, many animals experience…
Over the course of our lives, we are taught that human overpopulation refers to the number of how many people live on this planet and that it is the reason why Earth is not going to be able to sustain us for much longer. Many people believe, however, that the population of the human race isn’t the reason for Earth’s decline in resources. It is, in fact, us. We, as a species, are solely responsible for Earth’s sudden decline in sustainability. It is not how many of us there are, it is how we live…
relation to their habitat. There are many bird species that are abundant in the the woodlands of Westfield. Where different species of bird are located, depends on the environment. An environment can have a completely different habitat than another environment. Because of this, we suspect birds to favor one habitat over the other. From our hypothesis, we believe birds are going to be more numerous by the Westfield River than the wetland and will be more active during the morning. Question…
think if they trees and cool paintings it will make it all good. They are wrong, animals are there for years and they will find everything to know about the habitat by the first year. Eventually this makes the animals bored, causing them to not do much which makes it not as enjoyable for the people that come. ( Stress behaviors are an easy way to tell if an animal is depressed or…
However, it can be assumed that these viewers do not understand how these animals get to these parks. Dolphins are captured from their natural habitats and forced to live in these conditions. In addition to using these creatures only or profit and entertainment, the actual form of capturing is harmful to the mammal as well. “The capture of wild dolphins and whales is violent, cruel and disruptive to entire communities of cetaceans and ecosystems in which they live,” (Habitat and Humanity).…
With that said, the Malagasy Civet is near threatened and Grandidier's mongoose is endangered, while Durrell's vontsira conservation status has yet to be evaluated. The species is under threat of habitat destruction and pollution. There is also an introduced species called the Small Indian Civet that is competing with the Euplerids. As you can tell by the photography, the species look different, while all still being a smaller mammal. Yet, the genetics between them are very close. All though…
When people think of a household pet domestic animals such as dogs, cats, and fish come to mind. A domestic animal is an animal of a species that has been domesticated by humans so that they depend on humankind for survival. As time progresses and the years go by, more and more people are captivating exotic animals and are trying to domesticate them. Humans are taking wild animals from their natural habitats and are attempting to make them docile creatures for everyday living. Entities want to…
Where the Wild Things Are If someone says they love animals but they pay money to see them in captivity, can they be trusted? Animals all over the world are put into captivity just for the entertainment of others instead of leaving them in their natural habitats so they can continue the circle of life. Putting a wild animal in captivity can cause zoochosis which then leads to serious health issues for it. Wild animals should be left in their natural habitat instead of being put into captivity…
Causing them to look different not seen as many years ago. Many parks have been destroyed and probably in a couple of years some may be completely gone. Leaving our next generations not being able to see these monuments that are consider to be treasures. Climate change has increased over the last years causing glaciers to disappear, destroying wild animal’s habitat, and numerous fires. There are many things we can do and collaborate to keep these parks healthy. We can’t fight with mother nature…
When I was a young child, my parents took my brother and me to the Toronto Zoo, and I visited the site throughout my years in elementary school for field trips. I found a great pleasure in staring at these big, beautiful, and mysterious animals through the wide glass windows; and during the course of being adolescence, I marveled at the fact that, still, living in the city, we had the opportunity to be exposed to an animal in its “natural” habitat. ( However, amidst the entire fun…