Creon and the princess. As for the murder of her children, she kills them in the name of love because she believes that, if they were to live, they too would be “prey of [her] enemies” for unknowingly taking part in the deaths of the King and princess. Additionally, Medea performs these unfathomable acts of murder because she allows herself to fall dangerously in love with Jason. Furthermore, as Medea and Jason’s relationship progresses, she slowly begins to lose herself within her responsibilities as a housewife and mother. Medea, the once powerful and strong woman, is now nothing more than old, “weak woman,” and this apparent realization of her downfall becomes too much for her to handle. Medea sacrificed her entire life on the Island of Colchis to be with Jason, yet he treats her as though she is irrelevant. However, she is reminded of the strong woman she once was as she tells Jason about all the sacrifices she made on his behalf, such as when she “betrayed [father] and … home” to leave with Jason on the Argos. Though, instead of the thank you that Medea expects from Jason, he denounces every sacrifice she made for him because he believes that Medea received more from him than she gave to him. Moreover, I believe Medea is proving to herself that she can still be the same independent and powerful woman she once was by going through with her plans to kill the King, princess, and children. Nevertheless, though Medea has many factors that motivate her murderous plan, I…
by Hera from the shipwright Argo. “On their journey the Argonauts were seduced by beautiful women, attacked by warriors, buffeted by storms, and challenged by monstrous creatures” (Encyclopedia). Early on the Argonauts benefited from having Heracles “who singlehandedly deflected an attack by a group of six-armed earth giants” (Philip). Although Heracles was left by the crew after his losing Hylas to water-nymphs. Upon reaching Colchis Jason demanded Aeets to give him the Golden Fleece. “The king…
objects instead of actual people. Women were given to men as time during times of war. Women were meant to stay at home and do chores or other womanly things like sew and raise children. They were never expected to speak up when a man made a decision that they did not agree with. They were supposed to take the back seat to their husbands. Medea was different, she didn’t sit back and let her husband treat her as an object that could be left in the corner and forgotten. She took a stand helping…
Corresponding to the notion that one must worship all gods, one also should make sacrifices for the roles of every god. In Jason and the Argonauts, Jason is presented with opportunities to present sacrifices to the gods and present the importance to those who were willing to learn from the myth. Before the Argo set sail for Colchis, the Argonauts offered a traditional sacrifice to the god Apollo. Jason prays to Apollo “for a safe return to Greece under his personal guidance, which the god had…
they were and what they wanted, and with gentle words, Jason then answered his questions and claimed his kingdom (Hamilton 162). The king then refused stating, “If I am to give you the kingdom, you must first bring me the fleece of the golden ram”(BBC 1). The idea of an exciting adventure was delightful to Jason, he immediately accepted the challenge and left with a very powerful team, and with him, came along a lot of different greek Gods to help him through this journey (Hamilton 162-3).…
1. What problem do the Argonauts face here? Argo was seeking for an outlet from the lake. He was trying to find a fairway for ships and as the sun fire casted rays scorching him 2. Who is Ttiton? What does he look like? What does he do for the Argonauts? Tritorn is a greek god ans messenger of the sea, and his father is the god of seas, Poseidon. Triton was offered a gift of a lifted clod from earth; he allowed them to pass the seas. But then later, cut the victims throat and casted it to…
the end of Jason’s story. Jason’s story starts when he was a young boy living in ancient Greece. As a baby Jason was sent to live with the centaur Chiron. His uncle Pelias murdered Jason’s father, Aeson, the king of Iolcus. Lolus was a pretty big town in ancient Greece, it is where the modern town of Volos is. Pelias also killed Jason’s siblings. Jason was away so he did not worry about Jason taking the kingdom. Jason lost a sandal on his way to confront Pelias. Jason was told by Pelias…
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." As Gandhi shares a brilliant piece of mind, he describes how the world is so wicked and malevolent that it's turning the world "blind". The majority of the population is so focused on vengeance instead of living life to its fullest. Euripides', Medea, relates to the wise man's quote because Medea takes revenge to a whole new aspect and takes an eye for an eye. Or maybe a limb for a broken heart. When Medea was left abandoned and heartbroken by her…
In Greek mythology, Medea is the daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis and the nymph Eidyia; and she descendant of the sun god Helios and the sea god Oceanus. She is known as one of the great sorceresses of the ancient Greek and depicted as the priestess and devotee of the witch-goddess Hecate. She is the wife of Jason who is the Greek hero and captain of the Argonauts. When Jason comes to her country Colchis, for the Golden Fleece, Medea’s father agrees to give Jason the fleece. However he…
genes from his father and hardly anything from his mother. One of the main reasons why Jason's life was a challenge was his childhood was rough. He was the son of king Iolcus, Jason was more like his father than his mother. When he born his uncle Pelias killed every sibling in his family. His uncle took over as king, and Jason went and lived in the woods with Centaur Chiron. Which he was raised by Centaur Chiron the rest until Adulthood. Another reason why Jason life was challenging was in…