The Golden Fleece is another mythological story that was written prior to the play Medea and explains how Jason, the hero, and Medea, the sorceress, met. The goddess of love, Aphrodite, made Medea fall in-love with Jason so Medea could help Jason with her magic and witchcraft to get through his quest to find the golden fleece. In the myth, The Golden Fleece, written prior to the play Medea, it is explained that Medea in reality had no option but to fall profoundly in-love with Jason. Medea is not culpable for being so crazily in-love with Jason and having the urge to do anything and everything to make him feel as miserable as she is. What Euripides tries inflicting on his audience is that even though it was out of control to slaughter her own children, it was Medea’s ultimate show of affection to Jason, because even though she loved her kids, she wanted to hurt Jason as much as he hurt…
Jason and the Argonauts A man named Jason a brave being was the son of king Aeson of Icolus and rightful heir the throne. A king names Pelias was told by an Oracle that he would be killed by a relative and that he must guard against a man wearing one sandal. Jason came to claim the throne. Jason helped an old lady across a river. Pelias tells Jason that he would give up the throne if Jason would go out and retrieve the golden fleece. Jason sets off on his quest and overcomes many obstacles and…
get the golden fleece to get the crown, and After he started ruling a kingdom. Jason was a leader in Argonautic Expedition in getting the Golden Fleece. His Father was king Iolcus, he got all his genes from his father and hardly anything from his mother. One of the main reasons why Jason's life was a challenge was his childhood was rough. He was the son of king Iolcus, Jason was more like his father than his mother. When he born his uncle Pelias killed every sibling in his family. His uncle…
Jason the legendary Greek hero most known for leading the Argonauts a band of strong brave men and the quest for the Golden Fleece. “Jason and the Argonauts were known to be the bravest and most adventurous group of men in all of ancient Greece” (Hudson). Jason though he was a mortal and was not connected to god he was under protection of the goddess Hera whose favours he had gained. Jason may not be talented or have any powers but he is still interpreted as a hero in Greek mythology, Jason’s…
The journey Jason is sent on in Jason and the Golden Fleece is contrived in hubris. Both kings in the myth feel that their kingdom, and therefore pride, is at risk. So, each sets out to kill Jason and his men in some fashion, which will undoubtedly anger the gods as “Many of us [the Argonauts] are sons of the deathless gods,” and the gods would most likely seek vengeance for their fallen sons (179). Despite knowing that there will be repercussions for their actions, both king Aeetes and king…
were never expected to speak up when a man made a decision that they did not agree with. They were supposed to take the back seat to their husbands. Medea was different, she didn’t sit back and let her husband treat her as an object that could be left in the corner and forgotten. She took a stand helping Jason on his quest and took revenge on him when he betrayed her, and used feminine this to accomplish it. Euripides made and effort to support the feminist movement by showing the power that…
selfishness and avarice. Perhaps the epitome of Jason’s greed is that which compels him on a quest to obtain the Golden Fleece during which he meets and falls in love with Medea. Though this part of the plot transpires before Medea takes place, the events of Jason’s journey are still referenced throughout the play, and the same motives which propel Jason towards the Golden Fleece compel him to bail on Medea for the Corinthian princess. In fact, the play opens with the nurse referencing Jason and…
Euripides’ Medea is a play of convict and relation. The storyline is based on past events including moments where Medea helped Jason steal a golden fleece from her father and even killing her brother. After this they both ran together to Corinth and had children. Jason then leaves Medea for a marriage to Creon’s daughter, Glauce. In Euripides play Medea, an in-depth view in is given into the life of a women scorned named Medea and her emotionally unstable reactions. The play begins amidst Jason…
become an obsession. Just take a look at the story of Jason and the Argonauts. The journey of the argonauts can well be one of the Oldest adventure of Greek mythology. “It is a classic hero’s quest, a sort of ancient mission impossible, in which a great hero is given great impossible tasks to achieve (Jason and the golden fleece BBC 1)”. This story was first told by Homer; this exciting tale has been stated for more then 3,000 years now! Still today, some of the most famous writers are inspired…
Medea did everything she could for Jason since she was in love with him. Medea betrayed her own family for Jason and in return he stabs her in the back. Jason used Medea to accomplish what he needed to accomplish for himself and when he couldn’t profit from her he left her. Medea was the daughter of Aeёtes, the King of Chalcis. She first met Jason when he came to her father’s kingdom looking for the Golden Fleece. Hera bribed Aphrodite to forge a love among Medea and Jason. Aeёtes said he would…